Author Topic: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2031  (Read 132965 times)

i have two accounts bought through amazon
and another account that i have no idea what email i bought under all i have are the keys and the amazon account, will this be accounted for?

I respect all of these changes made in the last few revisions but maybe instead of limiting an account to one name change, perhaps one name change every month or so?

I respect all of these changes made in the last few revisions but maybe instead of limiting an account to one name change, perhaps one name change every month or so?
Some kind of cooldown would work better then it being permanent.

My father bought me 2 keys for me (one for main usage and one alternative if the first went bye-bye) because of how young I was; could I change the email associated with my keys?


  • Administrator
A: At some point
So am I doing it too slowly or too quickly?  Make up your mind. 

Q: Why steam
Should I have put it on uplay instead?  What planet are you from where steam is some kind of huge burden?

A: So in case anyone finds another RCE exploit in my game, which is not unlikely since I disabled protections against it due to an issue I don't feel like debugging, them stealing peoples accounts won't be my problem anymore.
Steam has 2 factor authentication with multiple methods of recovery and a tech support team, it's beyond anything I could implement.  RCE exploits are in literally every internet program that anyone has ever looked at intently.  Modern AAA game companies 'solve' this problem by not not having mod support and not letting users host game servers.  Also I'm pretty sure I said "I don't know how to debug this", not "I don't feel like it".  Let me re-iterate: I do not know how to begin working on the CFG problem.  It is beyond my ability.  I cannot even duplicate the problem. 

Maybe I'll figure it out later, but for now I would like people to be able to play the game.

Q: When will this undefined solution be implemented
A: At some point
Oh yeah let me just pass that off to the scheduling department and they'll get right back to you, my bad.

steam constantly running and taking up half a gigabyte of memory
Are you a loving time traveler?  This argument against steam barely made sense in 2004.  Hell, my computer is 6 years old and I have 16 gigs of ram.  There's no way you're making this argument in good faith.  You're just being offended on behalf of other people that you're imagining.


  • Administrator
If I hadn't mentioned the name thing, no one would have noticed for weeks.  Maybe I'll add a cooldown to it later but it's just not a priority.  Normal people do not change their username that often.

If I hadn't mentioned the name thing, no one would have noticed for weeks.  Maybe I'll add a cooldown to it later but it's just not a priority.  Normal people do not change their username that often.
just give everyone one more name change to set it as something they want it to be and everyone would stop complaining instantly

Messed up in what way?

Only the first line of the server list shows up, and this one line flickers between different server/owner names while the server list is being populated, but remains on one when it's done populating. I know this snapshot shows addons on it, but trust me when I say it did the exact same thing after disabling any and all addons that could modify the server list, including but not limited to JSGUI+ and Glass.

Sorry for taking so long to respond, by the way.


  • Administrator
What can I do to get it back? I can’t exactly change name and then get it again once it’s free.

Try it now.

>Too slowly or too fast
Doing stuff that doesn't matter at breakneck speed, like removing key auth and changing the master server, while ignoring the important things, like fixing the game and letting people play it. Removing key auth does not count as fixing the game.

Nothing about why no e-mail solution. Not sure if you read the whole thing, but if you let people request new keys via e-mail, you hand off the task of resolving stolen accounts to their e-mail provider.

Still nothing about names.

If I hadn't mentioned the name thing, no one would have noticed for weeks.  Maybe I'll add a cooldown to it later but it's just not a priority.  Normal people do not change their username that often.

More of the same "Everyone except me is a handicap. If they disagree with me it's because they're dumb."


  • Administrator
if you let people request new keys via e-mail, you hand off the task of resolving stolen accounts to their e-mail provider.

You want me to .. email.. new keys to people.  To the email address that you just foamed at the mouth about them not having access to anymore?

More of the same "Everyone except me is a handicap.
Nah man, not everyone, just you.

You want me to .. email.. new keys to people.  To the email address that you just foamed at the mouth about them not having access to anymore?

you could have just allowed people to request new keys via e-mail, and used the same protections for that as I'm sure you plan to use for switching to steam.

Not sure if you remember a couple minutes ago when I enumerated these exact protections either, so here's that as well:
If you're wondering what the hypothetical solution to this problem is, it's to let non-compromised users link to steam using their key, and let compromised users do so only from their locked IP.
You don't have to do this immediately, and you could even do something else, just replace the word "steam" in either this or whatever other solution you think up with "an e-mail account".

And still no answer to the names question, other than "because some people who change their name do it to troll" and "you're a handicap".
I know you're a busy man with lots of unfinished updates to roll out, so in case my posts are a little too wordy for you to read all the way through, I'll try to keep the name questions concise from here on out. Making the text a little bigger might help it stand out too.

Change name good. No change name bad. Why no change name?

Change name good. No change name bad. Why no change name?
stop being a wannabe kalphiter and go build your warehouse thing

i am sort of stumped about how you go about checking whether a user is legitimate or not now that authQuery.php is gone completely.

i understood the part about the implementation of Steam OpenID... but then what would i do from that point forward?
have you somehow added BL_ID information to Steam OpenID which can be requested once they have authenticated, or is there another endpoint available that we can query for this?

honestly i just don't see any reason for authQuery.php to be removed at all, it was working fine a few hours ago even with the new steam auth implemented.