Author Topic: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2031  (Read 140334 times)


  • Administrator
Hmm, that's not quite intentional.  Let me look at it.

It doesn't work when you host dedicated servers. Sure, you can join once or twice, but it will deny your Steam Auth Ticket, and or your BL_ID.

the forget
last time i actually played was this february

I have record of you playing Age of Dungeons as recently as March 8th, which is 7 days past the cutoff point.

I have record of you playing Age of Dungeons as recently as March 8th, which is 7 days past the cutoff point.
did i join in and then leave or did i actually spawn?
if i actually spawned then that wasn't me at all

hold up
i just remembered that i messed around with blockland on a vpn just to see if it wouldn't stuff itself after changing the ip
and that was the last time i authed before all of this key compromise stuff
« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 06:38:37 PM by 77x5ghost2 »

load bricks menu is a bit wonky:

environment menu is bugged:

this might just be me, but it wasnt happening previously, so
« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 06:01:46 PM by TableSalt »


  • Administrator
load bricks menu is a bit wonky:

environment menu is bugged:

this might just be me, but it wasnt happening previously, so

Load bricks menu is your problem, environment menu is a bug, will be fixed next update.

I seriously don't understand why anyone would need more than one key. What could it be used for? Ban evasion? Sock puppetry?
I cannot think of a single legitimate use.

one legitimate reason is code testing, but yes largely alts are used for ban evasion, hiding identity, or playing after being revoked

i used mine as an alias for server hosting because i don't want to change my name

i bought my alt because i used to host "dedicated" servers by using my steam account and then play on them by my alt

 great use of $10.

How do we host dedicated servers now? Do I need to launch steam on my server for the retail installation to work so I can set it up? Cause right now it says "Steam Unavailable" lol

the forget
last time i actually played was this february

same error for me

did you have a vpn on

Probably not the time to bring this up but is there any chance we could get the getFOV methods fixed? currently they return 90 no matter what in the majority of cases and it's really difficult/impossible to actually get someone's FOV
« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 07:12:04 PM by Crook »