Author Topic: SteamAPI failing to initialize  (Read 1343 times)

So for about a week or so my game has shown "Steam Unavailable" at the bottom of the main menu. When trying to join a server it gives me an error "Non-hex Steam Ticket", haven't tried hosting a server yet though. I've used Blockland on Steam ever since it got greenlit and I've never had this issue before.
Clicking Retry next to the Steam Unavailable error puts "Initializing steamAPI... | SteamAPI Init | SteamAPI initialization failed." into the console.
I've tried restarting Steam, reinstalling the game, and even making sure that steam_api.dll and steam_appid.txt were in the game folder (and that 250340 was in steam_appid.txt).
I'm completely out of ideas on what the fix to this issue is. Any help is appreciated.