
Who are you voting for in 2020?

Annoying Orange
23 (28%)
22 (26.8%)
Vermin Supreme
10 (12.2%)
Bernie, he can still win guys.
11 (13.4%)
The Meteor.
16 (19.5%)

Total Members Voted: 82

Author Topic: Politics Thread 2? Who are you voting for in November? (USA Only)  (Read 17840 times)

you must've gone to some seriously different schools homedog
i'm not even sure this guy went to school, look at how he just capitalizes random words like he's 5 lol

i'm not even sure this guy went to school, look at how he just capitalizes random words like he's 5 lol
Not only that but the white-spaces after every sentence are a forgetin eyesore lol, ever heard of paragraphs MM?

yea in my high school we actually had dedicated periods during history class where we could openly discuss or defend our own political opinions. although most of the class was liberal-leaning the few conservative students there would raise some pretty solid points and we would give shoutouts and compliments to a lot of them for expressing unpopular opinions. i'm sure if you go to school in the middle of bible-thumping nowhere or in a sanctuary city project you're going to catch some flak for any opinion that isn't popular to the region
this is off topic but i wish the american education system was more like ours and instead of having this piece of important education catered under 'history' it's instead under the social studies class every highschool student gets, so the actual history classes can remain focused on the rest of the world. my biggest irk with young american education is the absurd amount of self-centeredness around the history classes, while the rest of the world focuses on important history and only talks about america to explain who colombus was and what he did, and america's involvement in the world wars.

i have the fondest memories of history class learning about the history of north and south africa, mostly focused on egypt. as an entry lesson to the history class before going into the gritty stuff like world war 2. now i understand that history like the civil war is important to teach and exclusively an american topic, and i dont know how this is taught as im not american, but im assuming its a large portion and i think it would do the young students better if this subject was short and powerful like my own introduction to history class with Africa (this is relevant to my country because my country had the VOC, this is a topic that of course was also a short and powerful subject along with the history of Indonesia).
so what im basically saying here is that american history classes for highschoolers should be less saturated and have short but powerful lessons about american history but focus its big lessons and projects on world history like the world wars. oh and have its own class for social studies (learning about politics and how to debate)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 03:22:07 AM by Unimproved »

i agree. america really indoctrinates people via education. forget columbus that brother only "discovered" the caribbean IIRC and was a whole piece of stuff

and the whole daily pledge of allegiance thing during announcements or whatever is so cringe. im so glad I went to a diverse school because we didnt play that bullstuff there lmao
« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 03:21:10 AM by Khaz »

oh also we had read-along history classes about slavery before we even got into highschool, this is very important

See the thing about the US education system that irks be when people talk about it is that it changes every year.
You can't say "Well when I went to school they did this this and this and we should change that" because it probably already has changed. Like I went through and we didn't do much US history until we took the specific US history class which I didn't take until junior or senior year of high school.
I know my friends who were a few grades under me had in depth classes on slavery and it's causes during middle school and earlier which people in my grade hadn't taken because they weren't added yet.

i agree. america really indoctrinates people via education. forget columbus that brother only "discovered" the caribbean IIRC and was a whole piece of stuff

and the whole daily pledge of allegiance thing during announcements or whatever is so cringe. im so glad I went to a diverse school because we didnt play that bullstuff there lmao

It indoctrinates people based on what the areas curriculum wants, I know due to being near a bunch of liberal colleges we had a massive amount of left leaning curriculum, so we didn't learn that columbus was a cool dude who totalled didn't murder people and discovered everything cause he was such a badass. I really never minded the pledge, It got phased in and out and it was whatever.

good to know that the diaper defiler would vote for Annoying Orange

master matthew when target has a bogo on depends

master matthew pulling out his 28th coupon for depend men 28 pack ultra absorbant

The Democrats are certainly an accepting party.

Accepting tribal actions, I mean.

Repealing Proposition 209 so they can have affirmative action laws.

As an aside this proves it's not possible to have affirmative action laws without discrimination. And therefore, affirmative action is tribal.

I was so certain I was gonna vote for Annoying Orange again last year but now I don't know. The corona virus response has been terrible. The protests against police brutality have a point. I can't vote for Biden. I don't feel I can vote for Annoying Orange either. Kind of at a loss.

matthew voting for Annoying Orange when he remembers that his discord mommy roleplay GF isn't online to walk him through changing his diaper

I was so certain I was gonna vote for Annoying Orange again last year but now I don't know. The corona virus response has been terrible. The protests against police brutality have a point. I can't vote for Biden. I don't feel I can vote for Annoying Orange either. Kind of at a loss.
Police brutality is overwhelmingly making news out of blue cities.

The protests turn into anti-american riots very often. Claiming "autonomous" territories and tearing down American historical statues. Not just the confederate ones, but George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues.

The Coronavirus response has been a disaster, worldwide. China loving lied to everyone, and It cost us all.

This is hardly a Annoying Orange administration error. Infact the fact his administration has called out the uyger Muslim camps and is taking actions against it, is a very strong retaliation.

We should have done this a long time ago, mind you. But previous administration's also turned a blind eye. 

donal tump is not my president.