Author Topic: controversial statement s  (Read 34651 times)

anecdotal evidence is better than no evidence

Strawman argument. I never said you don't deserve to live.
ok sure
why won’t you guys argue with me about whether or not you deserve to live openly :(

ok sure
why won’t you guys argue with me about whether or not you deserve to live openly :(
still strawmanning

Being straight is literally the norm. Any other kind of loveual attraction is deviancy and should be kept away from public space.

cheese im so proud that youve come out as gay on my facebook page but you have to realize that being gay is a sin
let Big J into your heart, not into your bumhole

seriously you're basically me except even less self aware
The handicap Paradox

And again they don't get farther than Ad Hominems. I was hoping to have actual, insightful discourse but looks like that's not going to happen. I'm done with this discussion lmao
are you serious? do you have any self awareness at all? you say in no uncertain terms that gay people aren't even allowed to hold hands in public. of course those kinds of people are not gonna like you. you seriously expect them to have an honest intellectual debate with you when you've already stuff on them being allowed to express love towards their partners? what the forget is wrong with you?

by all means then. honestly, you've changed me. i'm no longer gonna be gay because some handicap on the blockland forums said that i'm only feeling this way because my feelings are -- how did you put it again
sinful, perverted pleasure.

god. please go learn how to be normal. please learn how to interact with human beings.

you actually forgeten can't take this guy seriously when he genuinely believes that being near a gay person will give you hiv, an std (the hints in the name)

controversial opinion fursuit friday should be loving deleted im sick of seeing it every friday on twitter i just want to post art forget off

fursuit friday sounds like something from hell

fursuit friday sounds like something from hell
william afton would agree

you actually forgeten can't take this guy seriously when he genuinely believes that being near a gay person will give you hiv, an std (the hints in the name)
standing close to gays transmitted disease

controversial opinion fursuit friday should be loving deleted im sick of seeing it every friday on twitter i just want to post art forget off
follow my fotographer friends pls :>

follow my fotographer friends pls :>
isnt ghislaine maxwell in jail though