Author Topic: geese thread  (Read 148984 times)


The goose has joined the Blockland bandwagon

Here are some interesting geese.

Sometimes I feel like we need a little variety:


Here are some weird geese. Enjoy

Some love for the Canadian geese. Overrated but sometimes they deserve it/

Some love for this forgeter

Many thanks for yesterdays postings geese gang (gang)

Todays theme is top 10 5 geese takedowns

Here we have a horde of geese attack and pull a woman out of a car. Its impressive that they coordinated, but realistically she never had a chance.

Next up, its kind of blurry but it is clear to see, we have a attempted goose mugging. The goose has the purse and is attacking the human, and it looks like the goose will win.

Number 3 is a textbook goose drive by. Runners/joggers/anyone who is moving but not in car are easy targets, as the goose can attack unexpectedly with force, while you are moving, causing even more force.

Next we have one of the most brutal takedown on this list, a goose carry takedown. Once you are off the ground, thats it. The goose has already won and everything at this point is going to be painful.

Next we have a classic goose water attack. The rarity of the picture however is that these are baby geese. Gotta train them while theyre young i guess.

Contribute to the thread if prompted, but dont try to force geese thread posts. Let them come to you.
Thank you coming to the blockland forums geese thread. All geese. All the time.

Anyone else noticing geese becoming popular? Like outside the BLF. I keep seeing people admire geese on reddit and IRL much more than I did two years ago. Geese are on the comeback.

Anyone else noticing geese becoming popular? Like outside the BLF. I keep seeing people admire geese on reddit and IRL much more than I did two years ago. Geese are on the comeback.
Yep. Sooner or later geese will trend. But regardless of the world, geese thread must carry on.

Today is geese with hats.

Its this gooses birthday

This goose likes christmas

These geese are outlaws (probably not by choice but whatever)

And here are the totally not cia geese. Do not cross the geese shadow government. This is a reminder, not a threat.

Cats and geese can be friends.

The first recorded sighting of their bond was in the early 2000's. The validity of this photo is questionable, but for many it is solid evidence that cats and geese have always been friends.

There was also a well documented cat-goose relationship by the user "Vichris" on igmur. The cat and the goose maintained a relationship for about 6-8ish months, then the goose went missing.

Here is a modern image of a cat riding a goose. Geese can help other species transverse large bodies of water they would otherwise be opposed to.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2023, 08:21:50 PM by soldier101@ »

The perfect hunting pair. Geese have mastery of the skies and water and cats have mastery of the land.