Author Topic: yume nikki soundtrack  (Read 2341 times)

boy did it get a bit exhausting hearing all the music on repeat for extended periods of time
anyway here
« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 05:36:14 PM by Superfun909 »

apparently i forgot to make the face sound a proper loop hang on
that should be fixed now,,,
« Last Edit: July 04, 2020, 03:59:41 PM by Superfun909 »

yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo

ttaaaaaake 3 i'm a fool and forgot poniko's theme w the lights out
i'm p sure i'm donezo now

Sweet, do you think you'll be able to port some Yume 2kki songs as well? Or is that too many to port to Blockland?

Sweet, do you think you'll be able to port some Yume 2kki songs as well? Or is that too many to port to Blockland?
mmn i think i could do that sometime, im not sure how many songs that game has though bc i havent actually played it very much
we'll see

mmn i think i could do that sometime, im not sure how many songs that game has though bc i havent actually played it very much
we'll see

The game still receives updates and there's A LOT of things added onto the game and they do add new songs. I guess you could probably post the more popular ones like Seagull for example.