Author Topic: Cheesepizza2 - Bad faith poster  (Read 20702 times)

cheesepizza2 you have yet to link me to a scientific study that makes being transgender give you mental illness cmon boy i'm waiting
why would i go through that effort to get approval from a random sociopath on the internet

oh i get it hes trolling forget i'm dumb lmao

can someone please bring autism tm back from the grave? where are our heroes when we need then most...


it's not funny. it's sad that someone lost their life who could have been easily saved if they just weren't brainwashed into a surgery that's scientifically proven to cause a host of mental illnesses
you got it the wrong way around.

i've recently been diagnosed with minor gender dysphoria by like two therapists. its very very hard being a functioning human being in society when you wake up twice a week and feel absolutely uncomfortable in your own skin for no reason. every muscle you move feels clunky and foreign and you just wish you could move gracefully and have perfect motor control. every time you look in the mirror you just see a genetic failure and it brings some of the most crippling anxiety possible to feel at any moment. in fact it cant even be described in words.

taking hormones and changing your image only helps alleviate the anxiety a bit by making you feel more comfortable and confident, but you know deep inside you'll always be in the wrong body no matter how much makeup you put on. and when you're drunk, the discomfort just increases exponentially to the point where you do stupid stuff like break all the mirrors in your house or even try to hurt yourself. its not fun.

i deadass battle all this while holding a barely stable income from my job, which im constantly calling out of due to panic attacks. and i haven't touched HRT or surgery in my life. this isn't your struggle, so stop pretending like you know what's good and bad for us.

anecdotal bullstuff aside your 14 year old brain doesn't understand that people want to make choices in their life and its not your role to tell them what they should and shouldn't do. i pay taxes so that you can continue to stuffpost this forum and live a comfortable life in one of the most progressively forgeted countries in the world, and you don't even pay for your own school lunches. politely shut the forget up

bet me $100 im going play gta san andreas song at Cheesepizza2 funeral

hey weren't you that guy going on about how rape babies are ok and the gays are disgusting in Glass chat

lol funny you mention nothing of importance to make me look bad handicap

the only important thing that came out of that was that I forgeted your dad long richard style and you saying that a woman's purpose in life is to give birth

why would i go through that effort to get approval from a random sociopath on the internet
after that confederate monument thread just say ur an idiot an go

you got it the wrong way around.

i've recently been diagnosed with minor gender dysphoria by like two therapists. its very very hard being a functioning human being in society when you wake up twice a week and feel absolutely uncomfortable in your own skin for no reason. every muscle you move feels clunky and foreign and you just wish you could move gracefully and have perfect motor control. every time you look in the mirror you just see a genetic failure and it brings some of the most crippling anxiety possible to feel at any moment. in fact it cant even be described in words.

taking hormones and changing your image only helps alleviate the anxiety a bit by making you feel more comfortable and confident, but you know deep inside you'll always be in the wrong body no matter how much makeup you put on. and when you're drunk, the discomfort just increases exponentially to the point where you do stupid stuff like break all the mirrors in your house or even try to hurt yourself. its not fun.

i deadass battle all this while holding a barely stable income from my job, which im constantly calling out of due to panic attacks. and i haven't touched HRT or surgery in my life. this isn't your struggle, so stop pretending like you know what's good and bad for us.

i understand the whole "you don't have gender dysphoria you don't understand" but anecdotal evidence isn't, well, good evidence. here's some statistics. besides surgery causing a huge amount of medical illnesses such as a high amount of heart risk, a staggeringly high amount of people (11%) regret the surgery so much they cough up thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars as well as an even higher medical risk just to undo it.