Author Topic: Black Lives Matter proves they're a terrorist organization.  (Read 12043 times)

I wasn't even going to explain the house fire nonsense but fine.

First, Black Lives Matter has gotten special treatment from the media, from cities, and from various groups in power.

Being allowed to protest when all other groups are demonized as Covid Spreading monsters, while BLM is praised for "slowing the spread of covid" by doing literally the exact same things.
This is propaganda, they didn't slow stuff. Walking Shoulder to Shoulder down the street spreads covid, does not mattter what loving shirt you are wearing.

Second, The media has bent over backwards to suck off BLM's rooster on everything. Covering for them, giving them excuses, while jumping the gun and demonizing all who question or even dare to stand up against them.

BLM Riots have destroyed several cities across america. Riots, not peaceful protests. Peaceful Protests don't include burning buildings and murder.

So when people come out and say "white lives matter" or "all lives matter" it is to challenge these BLM lunatics. Because if neither of these messages contradicted their own, then they wouldn't be so upset and offended. But they do. Because in reality, their name is not really a message, but a brand. Because if a Black person dared to stand against BLM they too would get smeared and have their life destroyed.

Tim is the only one I've seen who lists his sources, explains his rational and here's the big one, he makes predictions that come to fruition all too often.

I also refuse to accept that Tim Pool is somehow inferior to the idiots on MSM outlets. I've sat through their garbage. It's either on two scoops levels of stupid, complete bullstuff that ends up being debunked with 5 more seconds of video and a google search, or it's the most insane conspiracy theory nonsense that I almost expect it to pop up in mid 2000's youtube conspiracy theory video compilations.
tim pool makes money reading mainstream news that other people wrote and spends the other half of his videos arbitrarily complaining about mainstream news

tim pool makes money reading mainstream news that other people wrote and spends the other half of his videos arbitrarily complaining about mainstream news
He takes mainstream news, adds in self researched info. Points out errors and contradictions and explains his rational on his predictions.
Also Timcast is only one of his channels.

Timcast IRL is much more like Joe Rogan. Timcast is more like a media brown townysis and social commentary channel. While his main Tim Pool channel is highlights from Timcast.
And in all fairness, the MSM does what Tim does but way worse. They lean more heavily into opinion and they also don't typically show their sources.

Tim has also done real in-person journalism, but given the pandemic and the riots, he can't go out of his way to do that so much anymore.

And the main thing about Tim, more than anything else, is that he covers the topics that the MSM TV news isn't circlejerking over and over on.

Ah, the Antifa Argument. Because theres no "Mr. Black Lives Matter" theres no organization to their moves. The lazist bullstuff argument I've ever heard.
Notably terrorist organizations have leaders. Al-Qaeda didn't disband after Bin Laden died because there's a new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. The Islamic state of Iraq, which are quite known to do horrible things to human beings, had Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Front de libération du Québec, for a change, was lead by a bunch of people - the most notable one being Gabriel Hudon. See something common between these? All of these labelled terrorist organizations have leaders. There's someone orchestrating the extremist ideologies, otherwise there would be too little people actually doing horrible stuff because they would have came to those opinions on their own, which is uncommon at best.

So, how is BLM a terrorist organization? No matter how many things you point to individually, no one is orchestrating anything or converting innocent people into extremists through any means. These are normal and sane individuals who joined the cause. It's massive, so of course you get people using it to do horrible stuff, and there's no leader to tell them to do that.

seeing bootlickers complain about people protesting is hilarious to me because riots and protests are literally the reason america exists in the first place lol.

wait no matthew aint a bootlicker he's a skid mark licker. there i got the diaper joke in

Ah, the Antifa Argument. Because theres no "Mr. Black Lives Matter" theres no organization to their moves. The lazist bullstuff argument I've ever heard.
Tim is the only one I've seen who lists his sources, explains his rational and here's the big one, he makes predictions that come to fruition all too often.

I also refuse to accept that Tim Pool is somehow inferior to the idiots on MSM outlets. I've sat through their garbage. It's either on two scoops levels of stupid, complete bullstuff that ends up being debunked with 5 more seconds of video and a google search, or it's the most insane conspiracy theory nonsense that I almost expect it to pop up in mid 2000's youtube conspiracy theory video compilations.

there are innumerable debunking videos because he straight-up lies about stuff and doesn't even read through the articles he sources sometimes

blm is a movement not a organization

there are innumerable debunking videos because he straight-up lies about stuff and doesn't even read through the articles he sources sometimes
I've watched these various debunking videos, many range from pointing out predictions that weren't 100% on the money, to errors that were made because of media lies to straight up Chinese propaganda.

Predictions aren't full proof. And his opinions are only as good as the articles they're based on. And he points out very often how garbage msm articles are, but they're the only ones verified by newsguard. And if he dared to step away from verified sources, right or not, he'd be discredited and smeared.


^free youtube video title

mm on his way to pick up some clean diapers to ruin


blm is a movement not a organization
fascism is a movement not an organization

fascism is a movement not an organization
who's gonna tell him that fascism is a political ideology

fascism is a movement not an organization
Black Lives Matter is an organized movement in the United States advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality against African-American people.

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.