Author Topic: Black Lives Matter proves they're a terrorist organization.  (Read 11099 times)


What happened to that thread where Master Matthew said the earth was triangle shaped

have you guys seen the new league patch notes

the point is't "all blm people are EVUL" it's "blm as an idealogy partly includes "attack those who aren't part of the idealogy" as seen by the underlying "if you aren't with us you're against us" belief. even if that wasn't true, blm shouldn't be used as "cover" for people assaulting others, being part of blm isn't a reason to lob concrete at someone's head.
no but being part of blm isn't a reason to be charged for as a domestic terrorist especially if you aren't throwing concrete at someone's head. it's a loosely organized movement, and no single person on the planet speaks for or represents blm save the 2-3 people organizing it. if they call for white people to be beaten in the streets and people go out and do it it's not terrorism, it's random people voluntarily going out and committing crimes and using their ideology to rationalize it. legally they should be treated like a criminal who threw concrete, not a terrorist who is out to kill all white people. these are two completely separate charges and one is infinitely more severe

certain black panther splinter cells could be considered terrorist organizations because they were actually organized. people would sit down in a room and plan out attacks or civil disobedience and everyone in the room was an accomplice. but going on facebook and saying 'hey lets all kill white people' is just a suggestion and anyone who follows it is acting upon their own free will and is not organized. they aren't terrorists, and blm isn't an organization. claiming that you acted on behalf of blm won't fly in court and the organizers of blm could easily say they have no connection with the perp.

if blm is considered a terrorist organization then the 80% of people who support blm for its civil rights ideology (including me) will now be wanted terrorists and could be arrested, all because some minority of supporters decided to be dipstuffs. not only is it a waste of state & federal money and time, but it also infringes heavily on the constitutional rights of some million americans who aren't going out on the street and throwing concrete milkshakes at white people.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 07:05:18 PM by PhantOS »

what'd i say about reading your posts before you submit them

And I didn't hear about a guy's score being different than his peers, even though he got exactly the same amount of questions right as one of his best friends, but he got a better score.
they must've read your forum posts and imposed an intelligence penalty

all houses matter, i say as i spray water at the house next to the one currently burning down

Completely ignoring the majority of black lives are taken by other black lives huh

It's amazing to me how many dipstuffs want to try saying this pants-stufftingly handicapped line but you completely ignore how easy it is to dismantle. The house is only on fire when it's police involved. The house is certainly never on fire otherwise. The ever-present fire in the monday house isn't important until we can farm it for votes. forget off.

black people dont kill black people because of skin color, coon

Completely ignoring the majority of black lives are taken by other black lives huh
'black lives' aren't a state-empowered organization though

police dont kill black people because of skin color.

Okay read this one.

Police kill poor people cause they lack the power to stand up against them.
Initially many black communities started poor because of older tribal laws and systems. Those laws and systems no longer exist.
What keeps the black communities poor now are the riots that happen every four years which destroy the community.

Also as a side note, defunding the police is almost certainly going to make police brutality worse and more common.

What keeps the black communities poor now are the riots that happen every four years which destroy the community.
also the prison industrial complex, gentrification, lack of social services (flint great example), segregated school zoning, etc. nobody's making black people poor but you guys sure as hell aren't making it easy for us anyways

black people dont kill black people because of skin color, coon

Neither do police, you stupid monday. I'm bout sick and tired of you handicaps acting like everything is a race problem. Only reason blacks get forgeted up more is systemic poverty. If you wanna blame on that race I hope you're ready to admit mondays hobble the advancement of the black community. Otherwise, shut the forget up.

'black lives' aren't a state-empowered organization though

Make excuses if you want

Make excuses if you want
you're literally making every excuse possible for why our tax dollars are being spent killing members of our own community

Neither do police, you stupid monday. I'm bout sick and tired of you handicaps acting like everything is a race problem. Only reason blacks get forgeted up more is systemic poverty. If you wanna blame on that race I hope you're ready to admit mondays hobble the advancement of the black community. Otherwise, shut the forget up.
dude chill out lol