Author Topic: Black Lives Matter proves they're a terrorist organization.  (Read 11091 times)

That's not really him is it

Yes, George Floyd was clearly a gang member, he totally didn't work a real job and the cop totally didn't know him and wasn't consistently a drunk who got thrown out of the business Floyd worked for.
you do realize george floyd was oding on meth, steroids, and painkillers right, if the cop didn't pin him he woulda started killin people

ok there's literally no reason to even remotely entertain cheese pizza at this point

you do realize george floyd was oding on meth, steroids, and painkillers right, if the cop didn't pin him he woulda started killin people
oh im sorry, ill allow all cops to become judge, jury and executioner of all methheads in the usa

oh im sorry, ill allow all cops to become judge, jury and executioner of all methheads in the usa
yah sure it was an illegal hold but dude it's not like cops just randomly kill people, and even if someone does that it doesn't mean "yeah we should just beat up every cop we see"

yah sure it was an illegal hold but dude it's not like cops just randomly kill people, and even if someone does that it doesn't mean "yeah we should just beat up every cop we see"

ah yes because it's perfectly sane to take a crowbar to some random person you see

oh im sorry, ill allow all cops to become judge, jury and executioner of all methheads in the usa
brother what the forget i just tell you

you do realize
dude saw this phrase on /pol/ once and thought it sounded smart and hasn't stopped using it since

yah sure it was an illegal hold but dude it's not like cops just randomly kill people, and even if someone does that it doesn't mean "yeah we should just beat up every cop we see"
ah yes because it's perfectly sane to take a crowbar to some random person you see
you are 100% posting in bad faith and you cant even hide it

you are 100% posting in bad faith and you cant even hide it
seriously? if anything you're the trolls
dude saw this phrase on /pol/ once and thought it sounded smart and hasn't stopped using it since
funny because i've never even used 4chan

funny because i've never even used 4chan
well you'd fit right in, maybe you should take the nonintellectual dogstuff over there instead

seriously? if anything you're the trolls
please refer to my previous post

you do realize george floyd was oding on meth, steroids, and painkillers right, if the cop didn't pin him he woulda started killin people
What ifs and maybes don't really work in an argument of this context bud