Author Topic: How do you relieve stress?  (Read 4655 times)

These are stuffty times, and it helps to have a distraction when you can't change what's happening. What do y'all do when it's all too much? I like to just get in my car and leave, drive around while singing my favorite songs very loudly and poorly.

i get really really really high

i kill ppl                                                                                                                                                                              in roblox

Shooting brothers on TF2

Listening to music, doing some activities like cleaning/fixing up old stuff or taking a walk outside (i live in the country so hardly anybody else is out here) is what I've been doing, usually while talking with friends on the side. Been thinking about picking up a book to read as well, riding my old bike, or giving my computer/desktop a new look

Uhh... Most of you already know...

But also Minecraft. Love the stuff out of that old block game...

not being on this forum relieves stress

this comment caught me off guard for a moment because honestly for the past half year, videogames have both been a place for relaxation, but also, for the most part, completely not.
i can show you what i mean really easily:

now doesnt that look like some good relaxation?

my therapist recommends having something that gives a sense of control in your life, like planting bombs in your local powerplant while carrying a switch you need to reset every day so they don't go off.

i didn't hear much from him after that session, he hasn't been to work in a year.

I write, I'm working on D&D campaign right now. It's not finished by any stretch but the background and gods are there. I also write backstories for my PC's, that get a lot of praise. I really don't think they're that good, but it means a lot when someone says that they love it.