Author Topic: what is the best game mode you have played but isin't hosted anymore  (Read 12129 times)

There was this stupid fun randomizer DM I played on once like 3 years ago. I don't remember the name but it was packed with players and after that day I never saw it again. It was a small maze-like arena with cube brick walls and some sections of the floor could collapse when shot, leaving holes. The weapons were really silly and unbalanced (laser guns, dinner blaster, dubstep gun, fists, shotguns, etc) but it didn't matter because the map was so small and noisy and chaotic. You were basically guaranteed some fun pvp. Anyone else remember this one?

« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 12:28:21 PM by Potatoh »

that one game where you have to kill other players to win
i forgot the name of it.

i founded the image on the drama forums

-Army Unit's Bug vs MAS
(just package this stuff and let us have it army >:[ )
no you can't have it

i miss tezuni's slopes ctf

that siege gamemode some dude made, it was like tf2's attack/defense but medieval

Really used to enjoy this one "survival" game mode. It was hosted this summer (yeah, I know. Not that old.) It was really fun! But, just vanished.

Well, if this stuff's getting bumped anyways then definitely any of the despair variants. Just such a complex and engaging gamemode. The kind that didn't feel like it was worse due to bl's jank

Really used to enjoy this one "survival" game mode. It was hosted this summer (yeah, I know. Not that old.) It was really fun! But, just vanished.
that one was a trap to take your keys

also survival could use some stuff added to it

that one was a trap to take your keys

also survival could use some stuff added to it

Nah, I remember it being hosted by some kid before, the key stealer joined, said "hey this server is stuff, I'm going to make my own" and then made his key stealing server.