Author Topic: PBG got arrested  (Read 3486 times)

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Dang, Jeff must have hacked his account again

holy stuff they arrested him again???
High school must have seemed like forever for you, Mr Queeba. I know it did for me. Being a misfit, being shunned. I know kids like you, Queeba. No friends, no family, no nothing. Nothing except the constant and gnawing agony of the realization that no-one likes you. How does it feel to be voted "most unpopular"? To not be invited to parties. I know what that feels like, Mr Queeba. But I'm not worried about you, because Mr Queeba, I never needed anyone to take me out of that mess, you needed me. All I had was my physical and mental powers, and the lack of remorse to use both.

i keep forgetting this is a thing

police brutality suppressing Gamers like pbg

High school must have seemed like forever for you, Mr Queeba. I know it did for me. Being a misfit, being shunned. I know kids like you, Queeba. No friends, no family, no nothing. Nothing except the constant and gnawing agony of the realization that no-one likes you. How does it feel to be voted "most unpopular"? To not be invited to parties. I know what that feels like, Mr Queeba. But I'm not worried about you, because Mr Queeba, I never needed anyone to take me out of that mess, you needed me. All I had was my physical and mental powers, and the lack of remorse to use both.

tfw no one notices your outbursts of "please notice me" comments you resort to more vitriolic and malicious statements from literally nowhere

damn dog I got secondhand embarrassment from this just leave the forums

research artist preaching to people is hilarious

damn i forgot drawin is worse than being a constant nuisance in and around a community held together by only duct tape and hope at this point, going as far as to THOROUGHLY look into nearly everyone who isn't a part of their friend group's non associated accounts.

reminder the only reason y'all know this is because he got cornered and went "damn that's crazy, (twitter username) but I sure don't care"

tfw no one notices your outbursts of "please notice me" comments you resort to more vitriolic and malicious statements from literally nowhere
[img width=400 ][/img]
damn dog I got secondhand embarrassment from this just leave the forums
To be fair, that one's a copy-pasta of a wrestler's promo


it should've been a dead giveaway when there was no source listed
you forgeters have been nagging lord tony over lack of source for years, how did you forget now?

these newfriends dont know

damn i forgot drawin is worse than being a constant nuisance in and around a community held together by only duct tape and hope at this point, going as far as to THOROUGHLY look into nearly everyone who isn't a part of their friend group's non associated accounts.

reminder the only reason y'all know this is because he got cornered and went "damn that's crazy, (twitter username) but I sure don't care"
probably took me like 5 minutes to find your research account