Author Topic: New George Floyd footage from his previous arrest  (Read 4646 times)

tfw black people are much more likely to commit crime, but ok, black people being arrested more is tooootally racial profiling
This is the uncomfortable truth. It's not because of cops being "tribal bigots" it's because this is the sad reality. This is not an issue at the police level.

Police brutality is rare and always results in outrage. But because it's what gains clicks you never get Friendly Neighborhood Good Cop. You only ever see snap your rooster off bad cop. And as it became increasingly rare but more popular, faking and misinterpreting footage of cops became commonplace.

So yes, I am very very skeptical that George Floyd was murdered. Camera Angles can be deceiving. And dying from a heart attack because of stress is not the same as being choked.

Drug Overdose can cause stress. Being and overly panicked media driven maniac definetly causes stress. It looked to me like Floyd watched non-stop CNN and Now This. He didn't handle the situation well at all, he was all over the place. He fell down a self-induced panic.  And more than likely his stress alongside his drug use lead to his death. Because examiner, the one that wouldn't have been biased toward the family, made it clear.

This was not a death by asphyxiation.

And deaths per million vs the deaths total show very different stories.

Despite making up a majority of incarcerations, their total deathrate is half of white deaths.

This death per million needs to be better defined also. Is it death per million of the total population of the US. Because then this chart makes no sense.

If it's death per million in respect to how many people of that particular race exist, then of course black deaths are going to be higher, despite the total count. There are less black people in the us compared to white people in the us.

And secondly. This chart completely disregards justifiable cause.

Just cause they were killed by police, does not mean it was unjustified. This is the most insane part of all of this.

Take the orange bar graph for example:
-Exactly 0 labels on the Y axis
-The implication that all of the listed racial groups commit crimes that result in incarceration at the same rate
-Placing the data from smallest to largest instead of alphabetical - or by the estimated total of people in that racial group, or by any other means that make sense and that aren’t just “hurr durr me make orange bar look taller”

is this safe space safe enough for you

look at the first go back to elementary school and learn how to read and do math again for the love of god.
well said, you may as well add a CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE SWEETIE
You can’t even accept the fact that a graph is put together  to look misleading lol

is this safe space safe enough for you
tah daah you made the graph more fair

you just racially profiled and described racial profiling
No, it's basic logic. Trying to claim this is racism is asinine.

If you have more blue balls in a bag than red. Of course when you pull your hand out you'll have more blue in your hand than red.

The issue becomes when people start looking for the blue balls and ignoring the red.

The first one is statistical correlation from a logical causation. The second is racial profiling.

GODFORBID that information is framed to make a sociological point or something
No, it's basic logic. Trying to claim this is racism is asinine.

If you have more blue balls in a bag than red. Of course when you pull your hand out you'll have more blue in your hand than red.

The issue becomes when people start looking for the blue balls and ignoring the red.

The first one is statistical correlation from a logical causation. The second is racial profiling.
it's still racial profiling lol. you're just justifying it

brb gonna shoot up a seven eleven and when a cop shoots back i'll start screaming about racial profiling

if you don't think that systemic racism is an issue, and you recognize that marginalized groups cause more crime, are you genuinely convinced that these people have a genetic predisposition to causing crime? do you think like this?

It's still racial profiling lol. you're just justifying it
This is why I and many others cannot stand the Democrats or the left. No understanding of nuance.

If the police arent going around arresting black people cause they're black. But instead, it's because on average, black people commit more crimes that they get arrested. Then that isn't racial profiling.

Unless you mean to tell me we need to meet arresting diversity quotas, and let some people go and arrest others, based on race. Just so we can make the graph a pretty even line.

This is why I and many others cannot stand the Democrats or the left. No understanding of nuance.

If the police arent going around arresting black people cause they're black. But instead, it's because on average, black people commit more crimes that they get arrested. Then that isn't racial profiling.

Unless you mean to tell me we need to meet arresting diversity quotas, and let some people go and arrest others, based on race. Just so we can make the graph a pretty even line.
detaining someone by consequence of race is the oxford definition of racially profiling. grow a loving pair and say that you're defending that.

i actually refuse to believe that you're not trolling cheesepizza2. you get unbanned and immediately go to doing the exact same stuff you did to get people to dislike you - make stupid statements which you obviously don't know the meaning of in order to argue a point that you probably can't fully grasp. please, be quiet or think before you post.

This is the uncomfortable truth. It's not because of cops being "tribal bigots" it's because this is the sad reality. This is not an issue at the police level.
it quite literally is. even if this racial hygiene-type assumption that black people are more likely to commit crime is true, it's the police force's job to arrest them. you're not supposed to kill suspects.
Police brutality is rare and always results in outrage. But because it's what gains clicks you never get Friendly Neighborhood Good Cop. You only ever see snap your rooster off bad cop. And as it became increasingly rare but more popular, faking and misinterpreting footage of cops became commonplace.
yeah bro. not like the news airs what police departments say to stay safe during things like pandemics, public events or holidays, or shows when cops do good things. we should just let the cops shoot people in the head on the street instead of getting angry when they do that though
So yes, I am very very skeptical that George Floyd was murdered. Camera Angles can be deceiving. And dying from a heart attack because of stress is not the same as being choked.

Drug Overdose can cause stress. Being and overly panicked media driven maniac definetly causes stress. It looked to me like Floyd watched non-stop CNN and Now This. He didn't handle the situation well at all, he was all over the place. He fell down a self-induced panic.  And more than likely his stress alongside his drug use lead to his death. Because examiner, the one that wouldn't have been biased toward the family, made it clear.

This was not a death by asphyxiation.

And deaths per million vs the deaths total show very different stories.

Despite making up a majority of incarcerations, their total deathrate is half of white deaths.

This death per million needs to be better defined also. Is it death per million of the total population of the US. Because then this chart makes no sense.

If it's death per million in respect to how many people of that particular race exist, then of course black deaths are going to be higher, despite the total count. There are less black people in the us compared to white people in the us.

And secondly. This chart completely disregards justifiable cause.

Just cause they were killed by police, does not mean it was unjustified. This is the most insane part of all of this.
there could be a gun put to the back of this man's head and he could be screaming 'please don't kill me officer', and the news could be reporting that the man was completely innocent, unarmed and not a threat to anyone and there'd still be people like you saying that black people are the problem and the officer was innocent because there's no proof that his bullet killed the man directly. responding to the rest of this post is worthless, because no matter what i say you'll say stuff like
This is why I and many others cannot stand the Democrats or the left. No understanding of nuance.
If the police arent going around arresting black people cause they're black. But instead, it's because on average, black people commit more crimes that they get arrested. Then that isn't racial profiling.
Unless you mean to tell me we need to meet arresting diversity quotas, and let some people go and arrest others, based on race. Just so we can make the graph a pretty even line.
to dismiss whatever the forget i say because of what you think of my political orientation and cite completely baseless ideas while dismissing sources on the opposite end of the political spectrum that happen to say otherwise. you're an idiot.

Chokeholds are pretty common for people who are resisting arrest, whether they should be is another question. Pretty much everyone is in agreement that the cops could have handled the situation better.

A person resisting arrest doesn’t justify choking them to death, but there were many many times in the whole situation that Floyd could have just done what they said and the outcome *would have been different*. It’s probably not that hard to get out of your car, communicate with other human beings, etc.

Once again for the slow people, I think that resisting arrest the way that Floyd did didn’t warrant killing someone, and they got fired. Good.

But also, Floyd wasn’t a complete angel who did absolutely nothing wrong, didn’t resist arrest, and got martyred purely for being a sweet, innocent black man minding his own business like so many others who are slaughtered every day at the hands of tyrannical mentally deranged overlords.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 12:36:58 PM by TomsHere »

i find it ridiculously insane and baffling that despite this game's stagnation and lots and lots of users getting banned over the years for things between forgettarded opinions they tried to enforce on other people and people simply saying they're leaving because they can't stand the community, the people we're left with are some of the most air-headed and anosognosic trolls to ever grace this place.
i wonder if they think that racially profiling people over the internet is going to give them friends? land them a successful job? win them arguments? what's the point of being this damn stupid?

detaining someone by consequence of race is the oxford definition of racially profiling. grow a loving pair and say that you're defending that.
Except they aren't being detained because of their race. That's what you're not getting.

Black people commit more crime on average.
Black people get arrested more on average.

Black people aren't getting arrested for being black, they're being arrested for committing crime.

But the statistic shows they're getting arrested more on average, and you're over here trying to push this insane logic that they're being arrested for being black.

honestly the source of high crime rates in black people is BECAUSE of the left. pushing "welfare" and "equality" systems that enforces black fathers to leave their children and causes low standardizing to push black people to the lowest denominator has done more damage than the police system ever could.