Author Topic: Should I wait for Nvidia Series 3000 or just get the 2080 Super  (Read 764 times)

I've been contemplating this for a while and I want your thoughts. here is the build im thinking of since I want any additional feedback
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 03:44:18 AM by Nigel The Protagonist »

Wrong link. Click edit on ur PcPartPicker list, and copy the link that's shown here

Also: Waiting is up to you. Only thing is right now, 2080super stock is absolutely horrible, barely in stock anywhere.

At this point, I'd recommend waiting. They should be announced around september-ish, and actually released sometime around november - feburary-ish

get an EVGA card so you can step up to 3000 series within 90 days

« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 04:49:35 AM by Nigel The Protagonist »

Really good parts, I'd wait for the next gen. Chances are someone will be getting rid of the same or better GPU for cheaper compared to what you'd pay right now. Or ya know, just buy the newest one that fits your budget.

just get a job at best buy and steal their stock

just get a job at best buy and steal their stock
i would but i already have a job at a grocer, also i can't drive

something better will always be released after you buy anything. that's just the nature of computer parts. don't wait on account of that

something better will always be released after you buy anything. that's just the nature of computer parts. don't wait on account of that

With the announcement/release just around the corner he might as well wait since certain people will be selling their old 2000 series cards for cheap to get the new ones

With the announcement/release just around the corner he might as well wait since certain people will be selling their old 2000 series cards for cheap to get the new ones
this and 2000 series stock is going down the stuffter

Just realized i should lock this because i have no use for this thread since Insert Name Here helped me out about 5x more than i thought was even possible.