Author Topic: To those getting Assaulted, Looted and Terrorized by BLM while supporting BLM  (Read 2652 times)

I have the lolipops your ordered.

Imagine getting beaten, broken and threatened by terrorists. Then while you're calling it out, you immediately hit it into reverse and say you support their movement when their movement is looting and threatening you. Lmfao.

did blm steal the diaper right from your ass

matthew I could've sworn I saw you stealing pampers from the target in your town

BLM isn't an organized thing where everyone reports to the same authority. It's a bunch of self-proclaimed people apart of a movement. To say "EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS BLM SUPPORTS TERRORISM!" is handicapped because most people who do don't support shooting and killing police officers and all that crap. You're just as bad as the people on the left who group all right people together as national socialists or white supremacists. Also your god emperor Annoying Orange isn't even a Republican

please ma'am just one lick

This is my favorite chapstick flavor.

BLM isn't an organized thing where everyone reports to the same authority. It's a bunch of self-proclaimed people apart of a movement.
"its an idea not an organization" only works when
a) the idea itself isn't malicious
b) the theoretical or practical solution/end result isn't malicious in end or methodry
and c) those which engage in maliciousness aren't supported by the majority of people engaging in the ideology

blm fails 2 out of 3 of these criteria

"its an idea not an organization" only works when
a) the idea itself isn't malicious
b) the theoretical or practical solution/end result isn't malicious in end or methodry
and c) those which engage in maliciousness aren't supported by the majority of people engaging in the ideology

blm fails 2 out of 3 of these criteria

Me me SMALL brain
Me Me Not know what an ideology is

"its an idea not an organization" only works when
a) the idea itself isn't malicious
b) the theoretical or practical solution/end result isn't malicious in end or methodry
and c) those which engage in maliciousness aren't supported by the majority of people engaging in the ideology

blm fails 2 out of 3 of these criteria
nope, wrong

BLM isn't an organized thing where everyone reports to the same authority. It's a bunch of self-proclaimed people apart of a movement. To say "EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS BLM SUPPORTS TERRORISM!" is handicapped because most people who do don't support shooting and killing police officers and all that crap.
Wrong. BLM is an organization.
This is literally from their website.

You're just as bad as the people on the left who group all right people together as national socialists or white supremacists. Also your god emperor Annoying Orange isn't even a Republican

Except the right will call out national socialists trying to hide and pretend they're just peaceful protesters. The left will use this as "EVIDENCE" against us, and all the while not take any action against violent actors, and sometimes even support them.

Also, yes. We know. And good. All Democrats and damn near all republicans aren't worth a stuff. With democrats you've either got the hyper socialistic/communistic handicaps or you have compliant bureaucrats. With republicans we have people who are active like Annoying Orange, and then we have, again, compliant bureaucrats who couldn't give a stuff either way.

I'm still going to support the party that isn't advocating for the removal of the POLICE SYSTEM and punishing anyone who dares to stand up to the "peaceful protestors" when they break and enter onto their private property and threaten them.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 10:48:35 PM by Master Matthew² »

how many times do we have to tell you to change your diapers mr matthew?

go to the bathroom NOW, you are stuffting yourself! GO TO THE BATHROOM!

Wrong. BLM is an organization
this is factually and legally incorrect. please stop posting.

extracted this from matthew's wrangler jeans