Author Topic: Sugar/Akira give Another chance in the server  (Read 28686 times)

Did this dude groomer just compare league of legends with Blockland that game where you build stuff?

Pretty cringe, I'm snapping this.

blockland community is ass, but only anyone actually apart of it is allowed to say it.

blockland does suck though

yse buit onlyl we are alloywed to make thtat statement

betcha if we say roblox is ASS they're gonna throw a hissy fit

yse buit onlyl we are alloywed to make thtat statement
if a non blockland player says it it's tribal...

"blockland is so toxic smh" -people who refuse to stop being toxic to each other

"blockland is so toxic smh" -people who refuse to stop being toxic to each other
yes thank you for this epic observation CheesePizza thank u

i wanna loving punch this kid so loving hard

I don't want to drag this thread for longer because god damn this has been going for so long (Mostly because Discord Trust & Safety loving sucks) but you guys are just making yourselves look like clowns by joining just to spam "#JusticeForAkira". If you wanna give Sugar real justice then report the server until the cub lovers does stuff.

this blockland community will shut down the arkadian  on discord who stand up with Sugar #justiceforSugar 

report the server until the cub lovers does stuff.
that is, when yandere simulator gets released (hint: when the sun loving explodes)

Sugar just tried to get back into Arkadian with her alt.
I quit, all the effort is going towards nothing. I reported all the forgeted up stuff they did, everyone there had forgotten about her, but she continues to instigate them, violating TOS even. If she wants to be treated like stuff again then she is free to go back to that stuffhole of a server.
Since after she got banned from the server, she has been:
  • Harassing Brandy (Butler) by sending people to DM him to unblock her
  • DMing Arkadian members despite everyone telling her not to
  • Adding and threatening all Arkadian members with alts and her friends
  • Sending people to raid the server
Apologize as many times you want, since you're refusing to improve yourself I'm not going to forgive you until you do so. You can say I'm being blunt towards her but I have legit lost all my patience with her.

I got one thing worth noting though, the child enthusiast server owner tried to trick Sugar into saying she was 12 in order to get her Discord account banned, Discord Trust & Safety is so flawed that you can get anyone banned for saying that they are under 13 regardless of context. I guess you could say they don't have any evidence of Sugar posting bestiality/being a child enthusiast like they did.

And again. Don't try to call them out, they will just purge your messages and ban you.

i so pissed off

Sugar, stop interacting with those people and their community. It's doing you no good. Why do you want back in with how trash they treat you?