
Which are worse

Theater Kids
Band Kids

Author Topic: Which are worse: Theater Kids or Band Kids?  (Read 2666 times)

I think theater kids are way worse.
They’re either projecting their insecurities on to you 24/7 or extremely full of themselves.
edit: this thread is for fun and stereotypes are a thing

band kids. have had some great friends from that group but most are either people who would roleplay over discord or would constantly avoid everyone who wanted to talk to them if they didn't have dyed hair

They're the same thing

Is this from a high school or college perspective?

band kids are furries and theatre kids are naruto fanatics
i'd say both are equally annoying

Unpopular opinion: The theater people at my college and high school are annoyingly flamboyant to everyone while the band people tend to keep to themselves or each other. So without question it's theater.

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theatre kids. how do i know? because i was one. we were obnoxious

i've found that a lot of people from both groups are equally as annoying and egotistical

depends on the school. at my high school the theater kids were all cool and charismatic and kind n stuff while the band kids had a few bad apples. honestly was expected though cause band was like 5x the size of theater in kids alone, and it wasn't even popular/cool to be in theater.

i was an orchestra kid, and we were the coolest B)

i was both an orchestra kid and a band kid I had 2 classes B)
band is worse than theater by a longshot

theater or band kidssssssss all tasssste the ssssame in my webb sskssksssskss

thank the heavens above that the concept of band and theater kids isn't a thing in the uk. bring back bullying.

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