
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 299478 times)

Biden's lead in california has dwindled to nust 17 points. That may not seem like much, but thats astonishingly low for california.

Theres also the silent majority advantage as a speculative thought. But that's not exactly quantifiable for obvioua reasons.

Also if a vaccine comes out before tbe election, mandatory mail in voting should be nullified as an idea and in states where its already in place.

not trying to be political lamof, i'm just rwally confused at this point. i get lib left as an idea but are they just going wacko rn or what

i think wherever you get your ideas about how the lib left act is feeding you sensationalist nonsense on par with supermarket magazine tabloids

Annoying Orange 2020
God Bless America

i think wherever you get your ideas about how the lib left act is feeding you sensationalist nonsense on par with supermarket magazine tabloids
he also fails to address his gross misconceptions as demonstrated by the lack of response to the point-by-point takedown i wrote for him

while i am tempted by the idea of just researching all the stuff that he says and blasting his ass again it would take way too much time. just imagine that post and how correct i am but on the topic of how the left wants to abort babies after birth or whatever dogstuff they believe in

edit: realized you were probably talking about cheese but honestly mm and him are indistinguishable at this point
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 10:19:04 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

he also fails to address his gross misconceptions as demonstrated by the lack of response to the point-by-point takedown i wrote for him
your "takedown" is "You're Wrong, I'm Right." the post.
Theres nothing to argue. You have no intention of changing any position.

The Left has Institutional Power. Period.
They have Government Officials pandering to them.
They have DAs defending them and releasing them.
They have the Media defending and covering for their riots.
Just cause the dems in congress won't pass every last extremist bill into law, doesn't mean they don't have power.

your "takedown" is "You're Wrong, I'm Right." the post.
sucks when its true handicap. you post in the same exact way too. you're not allowed to complain about this

That's why I looked it all up, and proved you completely wrong.

Just cause the dems in congress won't pass every last extremist bill into law, doesn't mean they don't have power.
thanks for moving the goalposts idiot. should've posted that in the first place instead of focusing on all the laws you did in your post. if you didn't, i wouldn't have posted about them.

an overarching point that i do want to make is how every single time you get destroyed like this you move on and find something else to believe in. it keeps happening. nobody can keep up. nobody can prove you wrong. because you just keep moving on to the next big bullstuff thing and literally just win the argument through exhausting everyone else. honestly, if i was this wrong all the time, i wouldn't start blaming the left or whoever is today's scapegoat. i would start blaming myself.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 10:24:19 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

i think we can all agree that master matthew sucks at defending his right-wing beliefs, clearly he's not fit for the role (i'm not a native english speaker so idk if i'll be any better :P)
so instead lemme just ask you fellas, during these hard times of crCIA, who are the good guys

the anti american antifa/blm rioters who vandalize neighborhoods, burn down buildings, intimidate and even assault people as means of spreading their ideology (textbook definition of terrorism)


the patriotic Annoying Orange supporters who believe in equal rights for all (all lives matter), pro life aka don't murder babies, pro 2nd amendment meaning the ability to defend your homestead from the oncoming barrage of peaceful arsonists, and who aren't trying to constantly divide the already divisive nation with artificial hatred of blacks from the caucasians (no we don't hate black people)

which one is it

i think we can all agree that master matthew sucks at defending his right-wing beliefs, clearly he's not fit for the role (i'm not a native english speaker so idk if i'll be any better :P)
so instead lemme just ask you fellas, during these hard times of crCIA, who are the good guys

the anti american antifa/blm rioters who vandalize neighborhoods, burn down buildings, intimidate and even assault people as means of spreading their ideology (textbook definition of terrorism)


the patriotic Annoying Orange supporters who believe in equal rights for all (all lives matter), pro life aka don't murder babies, pro 2nd amendment meaning the ability to defend your homestead from the oncoming barrage of peaceful arsonists, and who aren't trying to constantly divide the already divisive nation with artificial hatred of blacks from the caucasians (no we don't hate black people)

which one is it
Hmm I wonder where you fall on the political compass, it's really hard to tell!!

i think wherever you get your ideas about how the lib left act is feeding you sensationalist nonsense on par with supermarket magazine tabloids
i mean, fair, but i still just don't get how, say, lowering the required test scores to get into college for people based in their skin color is supposed to stop "institutionalized racism."

so instead lemme just ask you fellas, during these hard times of crCIA, who are the good guys

the anti american antifa/blm rioters who vandalize neighborhoods, burn down buildings, intimidate and even assault people as means of spreading their ideology (textbook definition of terrorism)


the patriotic Annoying Orange supporters who believe in equal rights for all (all lives matter), pro life aka don't murder babies, pro 2nd amendment meaning the ability to defend your homestead from the oncoming barrage of peaceful arsonists, and who aren't trying to constantly divide the already divisive nation with artificial hatred of blacks from the caucasians (no we don't hate black people)

which one is it
This is a poor argument and is the real root of why the opposition to modern conservatism is so "radical". it's always the same "look at this awful warped representation of our opposition, if they win, we're screwed." completely jaded to the matter of how this country would be under the same path if our current president flipped. "radical leftists" don't even fully support the democrats, it's too decentralized to actually pinpoint support. Most hate Joe Biden, good amount hate Bernie Sanders. Either way it's all parody in my opinion. If a democrat wins, they won't have more of a voice than what you'd think. The Democrats are not the "radical left" however it was a cringefest during the debates to watch these candidates battling over who's "more progressive" yet fitting to being a moderate. Beto O'Rourke was a sap and I'm happy he has no voice in this election.

The real enemy of the people is the media, dividing and sensationalizing the matter of extreme division between the country. Democrats choosing Joe Biden was an attempt to push against radicalism.

The media has consistently shown more of a care for the violence and sensationalism of these protests rather than the cause and reason. The media has cared more about bashing the president about COVID when the issue stems further than one man controlling the spectrum of the issue. In my opinion though, the president claiming masks are "weak" is what in my opinion further perpetuates a narrative for individualism during something where we should really have come together for the safety of other people. Our president in my opinion has no care for uniting people, nor does the media. This issue is bigger than one man or one party. People forget the media is opinion, "fact checking" and playing otherwise is dangerous to the perception of this country.

This is all inevitable. You see people fleeing to support the democratic party because the media deems it more moderate and less out of control. Lobbyists are true scum. A candidate that promises to break up the big media has my support.

Here's something to think about: Why do protestors in Chicago hate Lori Lightfoot? She's a democrat, has zero tolerance for the looting protests, and on the opposition, dislikes the curb to our civil liberties through sending in national troops or whatever they're called. The president doesn't like her, the protestors don't like her. Does the "radical left" really stand with democrats?

I air this stance because I haven't heard anything other than it's "us vs them" one against the other.
Also if a vaccine comes out before tbe election, mandatory mail in voting should be nullified as an idea and in states where its already in place.
You're insane. A vaccine could take until next summer to be fully available. I've followed this issue extensively for the stock market, and you wouldn't see wide production until at the very least January. Moderna hasn't even recorded a full turnout yet, holding the funding from Warp Speed.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 10:33:08 AM by New Years »

You're insane. A vaccine could take until next summer to be fully available. I've followed this issue extensively for the stock market, and you wouldn't see wide production until at the very least January. Moderna hasn't even recorded a full turnout yet, holding the funding from Warp Speed.
thats not even considering how much time it would take to vaccinate everyone
like straight up that stuffll probably take like 4-6 months to get a majority of the population vaccinated simply because of the massive loving demand

it hit me that the post i replied to was bait in the shower but that's how i pretty much stand on things, considering you see that everywhere

it hit me that the post i replied to was bait in the shower but that's how i pretty much stand on things, considering you see that everywhere
i'm not baiting :) answer the question bud - do you support arson and assaulting of innocent people? or are you a freedom fighting patriot who wants his country to get back on track