The age of NewSpeak is among us. They Are gradually replacing English Words with anime characters. We will not be able to Say that there is a mob outside my house, because the Meaning will be replaced with Mob From Mob Psychoo 100 Anime. We will not be able to Say that there is a Riot outside my house, because the meaning will be replaced with Riot Games Leauge of Legends. Veterns can't talk about their Call Of Duty and Duty to the Country because everyone will think Call Of Duty Modern Warefare 4 instead. Soon they will be replacing most other words with animes and video games, which will happen and be completed around the year 2026. We need to stop this before The Liberals go too far and Rewrite All Of Language Everywhere Around The World and we become 1984 for real this Time.
They will start using hot air balloons to Bomb people, because when peopel hear the words Hot Air Balloon they will think and say out loud HAHA JHERMA TOOK HOT AIR BALLOON TO LAS VEGAS! as the bombs drop on them and they Die. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T LET THEM WEAPONIZE THE LANGUAGE OF THE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!