
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 277948 times)

We would've never known in most cases, and in 2018 something similar did happen where there was a sweep of republican senate and house
and suddenly democrats took back some of the house.
democrats are so insanely skilled at stealing elections where they can win presidential elections but cant win ANY senate seats for more than 5 election cycles and lose several house seats (editor's note: dems lost incumbent house seats this time around)

In the past, they likely have. And in this case, they did the same thing they said publicly would happen. A "red mirage" except
because the timeframe for stuffing ballots post-election was cut down significantly, they couldn't hide it in a slow slope.
I'll admit, the sudden jump was stupid obvious. but that doesn't change that it happened.
i still don't buy it. they've had the last 2 years to figure out how to rig this one covertly. what you're implying is that they are so good at rigging elections that they've been doing it for multiple election cycles at the bare minimum (using covert methods) and good enough to keep it secret this entire time. yet, they're not smart enough to know that people will sniff out 200k ballots or whatever the number was being added at once. these two concepts you're telling me cannot happen at the same time. honestly, i don't have a good theory on what happened either but i'm willing to bet it isn't some grand scheme that Annoying Orange is dreaming up

This reason contradicts your previous reason. And theres no reason to say that this hasn't happened for decades.
It's been an open secret for years that politics is dirty, and this level of cheating is commonplace. But they definitely used to be better at it.
But the older generation never got with the times. and the newer generation sucks at this kind of cheating.

if Michigan or Wisconsin had jumped like it had last night, in 1992, could anyone have possibly noticed as fast as they did now?

The internet has changed how people can view elections, and that unveils these once powerful tactics.

They weren't obvious in a pre-internet era, but now most people use the internet, and these tactics are obvious and everyone is watching this election.
i knew i represented this point a little bit poorly so let me clarify what i actually mean: there's tons of journalists at big institutions that are infatuated with looking for the next watergate. they are looking for the next big story that will captivate the nation. this is how they make money. this is also why they keep naming everything with the suffix being gate. russiagate this, roostergate that (there's truly too many to remember or enumerate but i trust that everyone knows this is what they do). a journalist at any institution would absolutely murder for a story about how the democrats are defrauding the entire nation by rigging elections. if there was any substantial proof that they were doing it on any level, there would be the big story and then thousands of other reports from all other outlets. problem is that no story like this has come out that hasn't been easily explained (for example: reporter says mail-in voting implies fraud, but simple statistics shows that voter fraud is basically non-zero compared to the amount of people who legitimately vote using mail-in voting).

i guess the point i'm trying to make is if the democrats were rigging this using the governmental powers, we would've known by now? maybe they would be playing a little more aggressive than they actually are, and that's when we would know they are rigging the elections? honestly idk what i'm trying to say and i'm willing to concede on this point bc i phrased it so poorly

There have been several people caught on cameras doing various different suspect or even outright criminal acts of fraud. But usually, like the ones from Veritas,
I show them, I post them. Then people go and search "[Name of the Video or Controversy] DEBUNKED" and find their favorite square glasses tv talkshow-type-tuber
and use that as evidence. Dismissing the whole thing before looking into it internally.
that's because veritas has a history of misrepresenting everything that they report on. every single time they come out with something new it turns out they didn't have the full story here, tried to bribe someone there, etc. i have no clue how you so blindly trust them at this point. the reason why people go search the [Name of the Video or Controversy] DEBUNKED" thing is because they know veritas is fishy, and half the time their initial doubts are proven correct
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 08:06:31 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

Imagine thinking mandatory vaccines are needed for something with over a 99% survival rate. Some people are just delusional and willing to trade their freedoms for a false sense of security

That's been debunked already. The vaccine is necessary, just like it's necessary for the other coronaviruses.

Discuss this election result.

vaccines being a requirement is something i loving hope becomes a thing

if ur gonna be a danger to society, then do it in prison or w/e, don't drag your kids / other people into it

if vaccines were such a sham that you think they are, do you seriously think they'd be allowed to the extreme extent that they are lol, conspitribal loon

also don't forget, the "vaccines are bad" stuff have all been debunked time after time

That's been debunked already. The vaccine is necessary, just like it's necessary for the other coronaviruses.
No it is not necessary. You might need it if you have a seriously stuff immune system and have a history of respiratory illness

Oh lets not forget the trial vaccine by astrazeneca killed someone.


The fact that you actually trust major drug companies and think they are looking out for our best interest really shows how mislead you are. These companies profit from people being sick and getting people addicted to their substances, and you actually trust them? My god man you really need to wake up

vaccines being a requirement is something i loving hope becomes a thing

if ur gonna be a danger to society, then do it in prison or w/e, don't drag your kids / other people into it

if vaccines were such a sham that you think they are, do you seriously think they'd be allowed to the extreme extent that they are lol, conspitribal loon

also don't forget, the "vaccines are bad" stuff have all been debunked time after time
"i trust my government and the drug companies" they have never mislead or lied to anyone. praise them and their amazing record of truth and transparency

« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 08:21:24 PM by Goth77 »

No it is not necessary. You might need it if you have a seriously stuff immune system and have a history of respiratory illness

Oh lets not forget the trial vaccine by astrazeneca killed someone.

They volunteer for it. They sign agreements and etc, knowing full well that the tests aren't going to be 100% safe and may, if not will, result in side effects or death. It's not like they hide it or force it, it's 100% voluntary and told to them up front, with agreements and etc.

Not everything is a big conspiracy, lol. Grow up

The fact that you actually trust major drug companies and think they are looking out for our best interest really shows how mislead you are. These companies profit from people being sick and getting people addicted to their substances, and you actually trust them? My god man you really need to wake up
conspitribal loon

I have genuinely no idea what this post means. but just to cover my bases, stocking is absolutely bonkers and literally enlisted in the navy

I don't even remember what I was talking about.

They volunteer for it. They sign agreements and etc, knowing full well that the tests aren't going to be 100% safe and may, if not will, result in side effects or death. It's not like they hide it or force it, it's 100% voluntary and told to them up front, with agreements and etc.

Not everything is a big conspiracy, lol. Grow up
I never said everything was a big conspiracy I just don't trust big drug companies that rely on income by getting sick people addicted to their products. If you want the vaccine that is your choice. Let's take a quote from the famous Dr Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said he does not support universal mandates. “You don’t want to mandate and try and force anyone to take the vaccine. We’ve never done that. You can mandate for certain groups of people like health workers, but for the general population you can’t,” Fauci said in August.

“We don’t want to be mandating from the federal government to the general population,” he said. “It would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”

vaccines are obviously the exact opposite of the normal stuff that drug companies pedal. you only have to get one a year regularly (as opposed to many per year, like prescriptions). you normally only have to get a handful of special one-time shots throughout your entire life. the flu shot is actually free at places like CVS, and really cheap elsewhere. they're not addicting. etc. reasons for why they're good keep going on and on. drug companies do pull terrible stuff regularly (insulin is made at around 10 dollars, sold for hundreds of dollars) but fortunately for everyone shots that prevent diseases seem to be the only thing they don't forget up
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 08:32:49 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

Discuss this election result.
so which state likes rooster and ball torture the most

Lets read an article from the The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, even they are against mandatory vaccination


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. The regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal one. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing.

Manufacturers are virtually immune from product liability, so the incentive to develop safer products is much diminished. Manufacturers may even refuse to make available a product believed to be safer, such as monovalent measles vaccine in preference to MMR (measles-mumps-rubella). Consumer refusal is the only incentive to do better.

There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors.

Research into possible vaccine adverse effects is being quashed, as is dissent by professionals.

There are many theoretical mechanisms for adverse effects from vaccines, especially in children with developing brains and immune systems. Note the devastating effects of Zika or rubella virus on developing humans, even though adults may have mild or asymptomatic infections. Many vaccines contain live viruses intended to cause a mild infection. Children’s brains are developing rapidly—any interference with the complex developmental symphony could be ruinous.

Vaccines are neither 100% safe nor 100% effective. Nor are they the only available means to control the spread of disease.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 08:43:06 PM by Goth77 »

maybe the election can end in a tie

i don't like mandatory vaccinations but i can understand their necessity
not quite certain of their safety and effectiveness though, but i haven't kept up with it either
other news say that even after recovering from corona, they still experience symptoms months after the fact, as if it really damaged their body... not something that i'd want