
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276890 times)

'Sweeeety uhhh dearie, babe, uhhhhhhh dimple doo, ohhhh honey...'

It's an indicator.
So, I already know you didn't watch the whole video because you replied in 4 minutes, when the video is about 10 minutes long if you skip through side rants and whatnot.

But since you didn't want to watch, I'll give you the important bits here:
"Benford's Law only holds if your data covers [...] several orders of magnitude."
"98.7% of all precinct vote totals was a 3 digit number. This is the opposite of several orders of magnitude."
"It is not simply that Benford's Law occasionally judges a fraudulent election fair or a fair election fraudulent. Its 'success rate' is essentially equivalent to a toss of a coin, thereby rendering it problematic at best as a forensic tool and wholly misleading at worst."

The point is that Benford's Law wasn't being used as an election fraud indicator because Benford's Law doesn't apply to that dataset. They don't fail to fit Benford's Law, because Benford's Law doesn't say anything about this kind of dataset.

Someone who didn't know what they were talking about, who didn't care about the truth, used the false claim of "Biden's votes don't fit Benford's Law" to push a narrative, or in many cases just straight up say "This is undeniable proof of election fraud," and you then copied that here to try to spread it.

Just like the misinformation (or fake news, whatever you want to call it) was spread to all of these websites:
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/update-benfords-law-used-prove-election-fraud-past-joe-bidens-numbers-michigan-99-flawed-no-surprise-tech-giants-banning-information/ (this one also mentions a chi-square test which is completely different and equally not applicable to this use case)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LAEcQl2Tg4 "This is pretty obvious voter fraud, the math does not work."

and likely many others. Just look at the comments and you can see how many people have been misled by this:

From the youtube video:
labsub: "They are not interested in truth, they are only interested in concealing it."
Paddy C: "This is going to be the first election that's going to be unraveled by Reddit, and Pepe Army." (unrelated but funny)

From gnews:
BuffaloBull: "Like if they’d care wit whatever violates whatsoever… PFF "

T: "Claims that the number set is too small are erroneous. Be Ford’s Law is used to detect tax evasion. The numbers of voters are in fact similar to those individuals paying tax. So the claim that the application of Be Ford’s Law to vote fraud cannot be applied is false."
(Confidently incorrect)

A nice logical comment for once:
dnick: "These types of distributions work on large, natural datasets, but not on small subsets or ones that are influenced by certain factors."

And a very silly reply: "They seem to be working just fine on all the other candidates. You have a hole in your logic the size of one of those vans marked Biden/Harris on the side that were spotted by witnesses unloading numerous cartons of emergency “ballots”"

From thegatewaypundit:
THE RED PILL: "ANYONE censoring this information is HIDING the truth. WHY WOULD HARD SCIENCE BE CENSORED?????"

Quondam Que: "What I find very curious is the super low numbers of trolls here gloating. Almost like they know they got busted."

ZooomZooom: "Benford’s Law + Occam's Razor = Annoying Orange DOMINATED."

hasinbinsober: "It's useless to use numbers with the people who calculate 1 male and
1 female and come up with 52+ genders." (One Joke)

Patriotic Gecko: "Democrats, so much for the party of science."

(And so on... this had by far the most comments that I could see)

E Van der Vliet: "I shared this is on Twitter and they suspended my account for 12 hours. I shared this on Facebook and they deleted it. They sure don’t want people talking about election anomalies. Which gets more and more people talking about election anomalies."

ThePatriot: "Can't have the masses knowing the truth. "

gothboy said defund the police for being incompetent??
lol what

lol what
the cop knows all the criminal's dialogue is prefaced by "criminal: xx" like we do, right?

Bros can we stop talking about politics for a bit help me out with my Skyrim mods

What else do I download

the cop knows all the criminal's dialogue is prefaced by "criminal: xx" like we do, right?

guess his name coulda been "guy" or "john doe" lol. I was just poking fun at the whole "if someone is a criminal, than why should you believe anything they say" philosophy

guess his name coulda been "guy" or "john doe" lol. I was just poking fun at the whole "if someone is a criminal, than why should you believe anything they say" philosophy
for the record, I obviously wasn't saying "oh well they're a criminal therefore they must lie all the time"

I was moreso saying that from a character point of view, it would certainly lessen my trust in a person if they were a person who had committed a serious federal crime. clearly they're willing to do bad things, so if they had some sort of ulterior motive (even as simple as "cause chaos because i'm a troll") a lie is a serious possibility.

you went to the waifu tab not me

for the record, I obviously wasn't saying "oh well they're a criminal therefore they must lie all the time"

I was moreso saying that from a character point of view, it would certainly lessen my trust in a person if they were a person who had committed a serious federal crime. clearly they're willing to do bad things, so if they had some sort of ulterior motive (even as simple as "cause chaos because i'm a troll") a lie is a serious possibility.

I know, it was just a joke. Didn't mean for it to be taken so seriously, forgot this is blf after all. Obviously no cop would do that either (at least i would hope not!)

damn my philosophy of always assuming that whatever master matthew says is the opposite of actual fact only just keeps working in my favor

anyways this past quote of mine is revalent to the current topic and i will post it again to show how right i am so please stroke my ego by saying good job gyt in the replies
an overarching point that i do want to make is how every single time you get destroyed like this you move on and find something else to believe in. it keeps happening. nobody can keep up. nobody can prove you wrong. because you just keep moving on to the next big bullstuff thing and literally just win the argument through exhausting everyone else. honestly, if i was this wrong all the time, i wouldn't start blaming the left or whoever is today's scapegoat. i would start blaming myself.
emphisas on the exhaustion part. he thinks that you win arguments by the amount of sources you can fit into one post. amazing

anyways please keep posting master matthew. watching this go down is even better than football