one of the most annoying things that i have noticed about these pro free market arguments is that they always assume that somebody can like enter cheats mode and do some crazy stuff to get themselves out of trouble.
"poor people just aren't trying hard enough! there's plenty of opportunity around, so they must be stupid to still be poor." what are they supposed to loving do, type in the forgetin cheat code to lower rent prices? type in the cheat code to get a college degree? type in the cheat code to wipe their college debt? type in the cheat code to loving fix wages to job productivity like how it was back in the 60's? what the are they actually supposed to do about the situation that they're in? they can't spawn in money in real life from their GTA 5 trainer dumbass
shows how little these people have actually tried to empathize with people who aren't as fortunate as them. stuff is different for people who are stuck living paycheck-to-paycheck. they don't have extra money to spend on stuff by definition.
honestly the most stunning thing is when these people also think they're being smart and offer what they think is real advice:
refused to put any money into the stock market these past 4 years before corona
so, they should've gambled the money that they have (that actually doesn't exist) on the stock market and also they should have been able to miraculously pull it out of the stock market just in time before corona hit. holy stuff you are something else master matthew