
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 277261 times)

a big part of science is being okay with being wrong if the data discovered/found proves you wrong.
Correct, so you'll be okay in being wrong about the vaccines working right?

clearly you dont seem to grasp that as the data that the vaccines and boosters work is well established by this point
No you're not.

Vaccines don't work.
Cases recently hit record highs.

The vaccines aren't working, I have no idea where anyone is getting this "The Vaccines are Working"
idea from. Sure, they stopped the side effects... for a while.
and sure flu shots, fine those are yearly-ish.

But when we need to re-invigorate these
vaccinations every 4 to 6 months with a booster, that point becomes moot.

Vaccines don't stop the spread.
They're not holding up over time.
We're spending billions into this.

Is that what we should do? Perpetually spend money into this clear money pit?
Shouldn't we be searching for an actual solution?

theres a difference in being reasonably skeptical about *everything* you see, which is part of science, and skeptical of any evidence that proves you wrong but not skeptical of evidence that proves you right, which is conspiracy theory thinking.
I literally have proposed questions and asked questions.

I make no claims of being right, only of the claims being made being wrong.

you’re mentally ill
drydess please, we should respect our senile elderly

Correct, so you'll be okay in being wrong about the vaccines working right?
No you're not.

Vaccines don't work.
Cases recently hit record highs.

The vaccines aren't working, I have no idea where anyone is getting this "The Vaccines are Working"
idea from. Sure, they stopped the side effects... for a while.
and sure flu shots, fine those are yearly-ish.

But when we need to re-invigorate these
vaccinations every 4 to 6 months with a booster, that point becomes moot.

Vaccines don't stop the spread.
They're not holding up over time.
We're spending billions into this.

Is that what we should do? Perpetually spend money into this clear money pit?
Shouldn't we be searching for an actual solution?
I literally have proposed questions and asked questions.

I make no claims of being right, only of the claims being made being wrong.
completely ignoring the mounds of data showing that most people in the hospital are unvaccinated

ok sure they dont work, you are right, they should've stopped giving polio vaccine boosters in the 60s because they had 20% efficacy, clearly the iron lung is the better solution

obviously every single vaccine before this has had 100% effectiveness and has immediately eradicated every virus
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 07:20:02 PM by Aide33 »

look at any hospitals’ covid patients vaccinated vs unvaccinated percentages and you’ll see the data. unless you’re gonna claim they’re lying idk what you can say in response to that about vaccines not working.

what “actual solution” is there besides vaccines? a magical pill cure that just makes covid go away after you eat it, while already sick? whats wrong with a preventative solution?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 08:10:31 PM by Conan »

Is that what we should do? Perpetually spend money into this clear money pit?
Shouldn't we be searching for an actual solution?
if your assertion is that All Covid Science has ceased since the invention of a few vaccines then i would ask that you substantiate that assertion

if you don't mean to assert that, you need to be more clear about what you actually mean. are you upset about science, or do you actually have a more nuanced concern about something like the mass media response to covid? cus i can agree that historically mass media does a comically horrendous job at interpreting and relaying scientific information to the general public, and in particular with covid i find the temptation of many people and media outlets to paint unvaccinated people dying in hospitals as evil/stupid rather than just misinformed and misled to be reprehensible

editing to add this
The science is never settled was my point. Meaning the conversation surrounding what is and isn't good practice, what should or shouldn't be used, and what should or shouldn't be enforced
must be allowed to continue, or it's not science.

It's scientology.
i don't really agree with the spirit of what you're saying; it is absolutely possible for scientific knowledge to settle into a reliable consensus. science is, unlike what anti-science conspiratorial preachers would tell you, not constantly in a flux where all knowledge is a toss-up. in the case of covid certainly there's going to be a lot of research to be done for the next few decades, but i think my point still stands that the most important thing at the outset of the pandemic was to get any effective treatments out the and widely available. i think you are doing a disservice to yourself by entertaining the temptation to attribute political and sociological phenomenon surrounding covid to Science and not to the numerous complicated forces involved in responding to a pandemic. ultimately if your complaint is that better treatments aren't coming to shelves faster, or that covid cases are worse than they've ever been despite having supposedly effective prevention widely available, your beef probably more closely lies with a government that lacks the political will to fight covid with the same vigor as it did from the start and instead apparently feels satisfied placing the onus on Individual Responsibility™ (as usual) to fight the pandemic  through vaccines
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:49:40 PM by otto-san »

I'm so glad Matthew is here to make me look sane, and I've been illegally CCing for years due to paranoia

Same. I've heard so many horror stories of cops being paranoid as forget around people with CC permits during traffic stops, and stuff like CA/NY private investigating permit holders. This is why people carry illegally, dumb forgets. I'd rather be in jail than dead.

License? What is this? Britain? Sorry copper but this Model 1p in my pants is here to stay

matthew is a living bell curve.

please seek mental help.

Anyone else find it so surreal how the forums are still active and how it's gotten to this point?

Anyone else find it so surreal how the forums are still active and how it's gotten to this point?
Its pretty crazy but kind of expected at this point.

If you define the vaccination working as it stopping hospitalizations for a set amount of time.

Hurray, congrats, you won!!

But that's ridiculously short sighted.

The Vaccines are a money making scheme from their respective companies.
This is planned obsolescence within the vaccine, whether intentional or not.

But they certainly aren't going to stop it now that they see it makes them money.

Lets start from the beginning, the goal.

The Goal is either:
A. To eradicate Covid indefinitely.
B. To make Covid less dangerous to the point where it is no longer a deadly virus indefinitely.

This is not Working. It's a toothpicks and gum solution.
This is very short sighted and doesn't actually help.

Just like Antibiotics, Vaccinations can wane over recursive uses.

If we have to keep re-vaccinating, just like the flu vaccine, we may see the Covid Vaccines become less effective in general.

We need to keep looking at alternate options, and not blindly smearing alternate options as "Horse De-Wormer" or whatever because it also happens
to be an animal medicine.

if your assertion is that All Covid Science has ceased since the invention of a few vaccines then i would ask that you substantiate that assertion
The cultural and media reaction to immediately smear non-vaccine solutions as antivaxx.

Exhibit A. Ivermectin.

Prior to the media smears, Ivermectin was a common option for treating Yellow Fever. But because of
this "Horse De-Wormer" conflation, not only is Ivermectin nolonger a Covid Treatment, we will no doubt
see Yellow Fever on the rise soon.

We cannot be smearing other solutions because they're not the vaccine.

if you don't mean to assert that, you need to be more clear about what you actually mean. are you upset about science, or do you actually have a more nuanced concern about something like the mass media response to covid? cus i can agree that historically mass media does a comically horrendous job at interpreting and relaying scientific information to the general public, and in particular with covid i find the temptation of many people and media outlets to paint unvaccinated people dying in hospitals as evil/stupid rather than just misinformed and misled to be reprehensible
Media outlets being misinformed and mislead is stupid. They're supposed to be Journalists. If they're pushing ignorant and outright false
information of any kind, regardless as to why, it's stupid.

If it's intentional, then it's evil.

Either way, this is a complete stuff show. The Media has little accountability for anything.

editing to add thisi don't really agree with the spirit of what you're saying; it is absolutely possible for scientific knowledge to settle into a reliable consensus. science is, unlike what anti-science conspiratorial preachers would tell you, not constantly in a flux where all knowledge is a toss-up. in the case of covid certainly there's going to be a lot of research to be done for the next few decades, but i think my point still stands that the most important thing at the outset of the pandemic was to get any effective treatments out the and widely available. i think you are doing a disservice to yourself by entertaining the temptation to attribute political and sociological phenomenon surrounding covid to Science and not to the numerous complicated forces involved in responding to a pandemic. ultimately if your complaint is that better treatments aren't coming to shelves faster, or that covid cases are worse than they've ever been despite having supposedly effective prevention widely available, your beef probably more closely lies with a government that lacks the political will to fight covid with the same vigor as it did from the start and instead apparently feels satisfied placing the onus on Individual Responsibility™ (as usual) to fight the pandemic  through vaccines

The reason science is never settled, is because people will always question it. They always should. Just because the science is very strongly backed on many long held
discoveries, doesn't mean they can't eventually be overturned.

Some of the strongest scientific discoveries have fundamental issues.
The Theory of Relativity has problems in its hypothesis that conflicts with Quantum Theory.

It's not impossible, nor should it be considered ridiculous, for long held beliefs in scientific discoveries to be either disproven or altered.

And I highly, highly doubt science involving recently experimental medical technologies and a very recent novel virus is going to be strong or well documented.
Even if it is part of a global event that everyone has had their eyes on.

We lack the advantage of time, we don't have 30-100 years worth of research, development, scientific discoveries and most importantly, separation from relevant cultural beliefs.

There is a stigma now, that questioning science of any vaccine will make you an anti-vaxxer and result in you being discredited just for that.

There was a stigma in pushing for the theory of evolution that you were a satanist and would result in you being discredited just for that.

We can't seem to step outside our personal biases and consider the facts, instead we have to stoop to names and othering.

*1* The Vaccines are a money making scheme from their respective companies.

*2* Exhibit A. Ivermectin.

 Prior to the media smears, Ivermectin was a common option for treating Yellow Fever. But because of
 this "Horse De-Wormer" conflation, not only is Ivermectin nolonger a Covid Treatment, we will no doubt
 see Yellow Fever on the rise soon.

 *3* Either way, this is a complete stuff show. The Media has little accountability for anything.

*4* And I highly, highly doubt science involving recently experimental medical technologies and a very recent novel virus is going to be strong or well documented.
 Even if it is part of a global event that everyone has had their eyes on.

*5* There is a stigma now, that questioning science of any vaccine will make you an anti-vaxxer and result in you being discredited just for that.

 We can't seem to step outside our personal biases and consider the facts, instead we have to stoop to names and othering.

*1* Yup. Money is everything. Always has been. Look at Nestle, Coca-Cola, Monsanto, McKinsey, Walmart, Exxon Mobil, SPI.
 Cutting costs, ignoring fatal work accidents, taking advantage of foreign nations, intentionally monopolizing, destroying businesses, Corporate blackmailing, Manipulating the masses with shady
 schemes such as the Resin Identification Number which was created by the Plastics industry. Huh? None of you knew that recycling is a scam? There are only 2 RIN's out of 7 that are actually
 recyclable. And at the end of the day, none if this matters if YOU the mega-company doesn't get caught by most of your consumers. Money talks.

*2* Actually, last month a good friend of mine caught Yellow Fever and even had Gastro issues. Thankfully she recovered by the end of the week. It was bad.

*3* "The media is a loving mafia." - Count Dankula Most truest words ever. They're forgetin' vultures. They won't leave you the forget alone if they want an interview and are willing to go as far as blackmailing, harassment, stalking just to get you to talk to them. God damn. Not to mention the massive worldwide fake news by many, many media outlets. It makes you wonder.. Who's side are they really on? Surely ain't the people.

*4* I've been saying this since the beginning not long after the first vaccines were manufactured.. Then they were quickly passed through to the masses. Reminds me a lot about how cigarettes' were once considered 'healthy' without any scientific evidence for decades........though that's because of the many, many manipulative lobbying to the public that cigarette companies pulled such as this one: https://youtu.be/bnKLpO9qhOE?t=32 Like I said before, money talks. What would make you wanna buy a cigarette back in those times? Besides all the celebrities' and folks you know smoking? A doctor. Because it's 'healthy'. *cough* *cough*

*5* There is a stigma of questioning and opposing many things now in this day of age. Just a different view of something can lead to your whole career in ruins and, hell, if you speak out: you're burned to the stake. There is a mass psychosis about in this world. The biggest in history as we know it. national socialist Germany, P.R.C, USSR. These nations has/had mass psychosis and now so does our nation and, many others. Conform or be punished. it's 'us' or 'them' as this nation is divided heavily. Has been for a while. Listen to Yuri Bezmenov's warning to the USA back in 1984. There are phases of division. This has been going on before most of us were even born and even some of our folks. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQPsKvG6WMI

Side note, I did not expect such a topic to exist here... out of all places, the BL forums? lol but, ok
good talk people