
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 276588 times)

fun new zealand fact though—

te kēmara signed the treaty of waitangi with the british using his given nickname, kaiteke, as an act of irl trolling because kaiteke in maori means pusillanimous individual eater

you can hardly move anyway with the opioids you pump into yourself. since when do you care about foreigners anyway
what are you even talking about lol. I don't forget with opiates? as for 'foreigners', dude, people are people, I have friends all over the world. I don't judge people based on where they came from or how they grew up. There are good people and bad people no matter where you go. I don't know where you got these impressions of me, I can only assume you have me mixed up with someone else.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 10:47:52 AM by Goth77 »

Real freedom is my right to blow oil and trans fluid all over the highway

This post brought to you by Chevy Gang.

Real freedom is my right to blow oil and trans fluid all over the highway

This post brought to you by Chevy Gang.
that sir, is a gang only priviledge. consider yourself lucky (or unlucky, whichever way you wanna look at it)

Real freedom is my right to blow oil and trans fluid all over the highway

This post brought to you by Chevy Gang.
blowing? trans? plad you got somethin to tell us?

>builds police state that opposes any kind of protest movement
>defends militarization of police by giving them billions in budget for surveillance
>give them all the surplus military gear possible
>defend them and back the blue because """law and order"""
>create a dumbass vaccine movement where you sit in trucks and honk and try to cut off supply lines to get noticed
>they enact martial law to clear you out
>"wtf i thought the blue was on our side"
>surprised pikachu face

God damn it, you can't put aside your differences for 5 seconds.

Not even when your political opponent conceded you were right about one thing, you only see the opportunity to use it as a "gotcha."

Most Younger Republicans today are where the average liberal stood in 2008.
Most of them were democrats. They were against militarized police, and a police state.

Then a group of lunatics would consistently burn down half the country every election cycle
As the Democrats and the left cried "peaceful protests".

The 2008 liberals either peaced out or turned right.
Then the lunatics gained control of the media, banks, major corporations
and pop culture.

Now the same groups who were occupy protesters in good faith stand by the
Freedom Convoys. And those who ended up being bad faith actors, who
We now know as Antifa and BLM are the ones cheering for the police state.

If antifa, BLM and the left in general believed in standing against government overreach and
Police states, and authoritarians as they once claimed, then they would choose to stand
with the convoy.

Instead, it's a hypocritical gotcha, "police good now. But bad before."

i dont think anyone who legitimately thinks acab has stopped thinking that due to police messing with the convoy protest

God damn it, you can't put aside your differences for 5 seconds.

Not even when your political opponent conceded you were right about one thing, you only see the opportunity to use it as a "gotcha."

Most Younger Republicans today are where the average liberal stood in 2008.
Most of them were democrats. They were against militarized police, and a police state.

Then a group of lunatics would consistently burn down half the country every election cycle
As the Democrats and the left cried "peaceful protests".

The 2008 liberals either peaced out or turned right.
Then the lunatics gained control of the media, banks, major corporations
and pop culture.

Now the same groups who were occupy protesters in good faith stand by the
Freedom Convoys. And those who ended up being bad faith actors, who
We now know as Antifa and BLM are the ones cheering for the police state.

If antifa, BLM and the left in general believed in standing against government overreach and
Police states, and authoritarians as they once claimed, then they would choose to stand
with the convoy.

Instead, it's a hypocritical gotcha, "police good now. But bad before."

i've never said police was good, you just projected all that onto me

im legitimately just pointing out the irony in the group that vehemently loves the police (aka literally everyone right wing) being brutalized by the police state they have helped create

you are literally making up some sort of mass left wing exodus that doesn't exist
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 02:46:50 PM by Aide33 »

You literally cannot get into the country or travel throughout without being injected

nope, foul ball
everyone should be required to get vaccinated or literally never leave their home. that's the choice you get gothboy

i want the australia laws but instead of vaccine injections make it cum

everyone should be required to get vaccinated or literally never leave their home. that's the choice you get gothboy

And what will you do if they leave their house, unvaccinated?