Author Topic: In need of medical attention???  (Read 1409 times)

When i yawn my ears crackle, also when food gows down my throught or spit also goes down my thought, and SOMTIMES when i move my jaw up and down, it does not hurt, i do not now if this is normal

this is a problem I have and I think it's a problem with your eustachian tubes, usually some form of garbage from sinuses getting into them because of allergies or a cold. not a medical emergency though just mildly annoying

make sure to tell loretta what's going on though maybe she can help

Thanks for the help, I guess i was tired when i made this post, it has so many spelling mistakes lol i thought it was a problem with eustachian tubes in my ears, but i just wanted some peoples thoughts on the matter, I hope i wont get a ear infection, one time i got one and i did NOT like it, i guess i ignored it for to long because one time i woke up in the night and it HURT, I think its fine...

yawning / swallowing is just your ears popping to equalize inner and outer ear pressure, that's 100% normal

simply moving your jaw though, sounds like your jaw's joints are popping, which is less normal but can still happen (mine pops sometimes when i jawn too often and it hurts lol)

i have the same problem, its just sinus issues from allergies

you're fine don't worry

if spit is going down your throat, try reaching in the back and taking out the spit box.

why the forget are you asking a forum that was once for an online lego building game? go and ask a loving professional like a doctor you complete mouth breather

why the forget are you asking a forum that was once for an online lego building game? go and ask a loving professional like a doctor you complete mouth breather