In collaboration with the Blockbusters Productions film clan, I'm helping produce another film to be released by Halloween 2020. This would be the fifth film I've produced so far, and I recommend you look at my others on YouTube if you want to see my experience.
Film Description:Synopsis: As Halloween grows near, a rancher begins to notice supernatural events unfolding at his pumpkin patch.
About The Film: The film will be roughly two minutes. We need actors to portray the pumpkin-patch-goers, supernatural entities, and the pumpkin patch owner. (Some of these background roles could be automated.)
Screenshot of the set, built by Cowtastic, Daffytitanic, Kreftos and I:
Casting closed!Contacts:Shoot me a PM if you're interested, I don't get too many of those so I'll have an easy time sorting your contacts out.
Also join the Blockbusters Productions' discord server to get involved with the film making process:*Some of this information may be subject to change later on as the film develops and if ideas shift.
Happy Halloween everyone, we look forward to releasing this film.