Author Topic: Annoying Orange TEAM IN COURT: 1 "WIN." 32 LOSSES. MASTER MATTHEW IN COMA.  (Read 9657 times)

Not sure where that comparison is supposed to go but as far as I'm concerned child enthusiasts can search virtually anywhere else for genuine emotional human bonding or whatever than the place where they victimize the most people. You can say I have to mollycoddle rapists or I'm stupid, but I can say that I owe it more to my community to attempt to weed out and expose infiltrated child enthusiasts since they're the ones who have all the say at the end of the day. You need my help because your life is being consumed by your desired to rape children? Sure thing man. Let's discuss it anywhere except the kindergarten playground.

There's people out there who will help disgusting freakazoid mutant kid rapists with their bullstuff, and these people aren't loving handicapped, they know right from wrong, they'll seek help if they want too, or they'll seek validation from whoever gives it to them. Personally I'd rather have a community where minors are welcome and the people who want to rape them are not. To have both is just irresponsible. I'm not going to kill Micheal Vick but he shouldn't be allowed to work at the pound either.

last i checked rapists are human
Don't really deserve to be treated as such when you don't humanize the person you just traumatized for the rest of their life by violating/loveually torturing them

So anyway, rapists get the rope

Not sure where that comparison is supposed to go but as far as I'm concerned child enthusiasts can search virtually anywhere else for genuine emotional human bonding or whatever than the place where they victimize the most people. You can say I have to mollycoddle rapists or I'm stupid, but I can say that I owe it more to my community to attempt to weed out and expose infiltrated child enthusiasts since they're the ones who have all the say at the end of the day. You need my help because your life is being consumed by your desired to rape children? Sure thing man. Let's discuss it anywhere except the kindergarten playground.
its not for you rally, its for the next kindergarten playground they decide to target. we just going to tell the child enthusiast to kill themselves and forget off and let wherever they wander next deal with their bullstuff? how is that supposed to be better than actually instilling a sense of responsibility and morals? nobody's asking you to mollycoddle anybody or give them some genuine emotional human bonding, you aren't their therapist. but anythings better than alienating an accident-prone group of individuals with no empathy.

that's not even the worst part. we're surrounded by adolescents here discussing this- what kind of message are you going to send to the children on your kindergarten playground- that another human should die because they 'deserve' it? you okay being a role model for children and adults alike spewing that 'death to all child enthusiasts' garbage and encouraging this hateful us-versus-them mindset into impressionable minds? shootings, murders, whole wars and holocausts were perpetrated on that same dehumanizing toxic bullstuff and you have no problem flying it as your flag, around other children?

you can keep weeding out and exposing infiltrated child enthusiasts. that's good. you're actually doing good work out here by keeping people informed and safe, and we all have a lot of respect for you. what happens AFTER you weed them out is where things are going horribly wrong, not to your fault specifically. a lot of people, from the perpetrators to the victims, have to suffer even further due to the hostile punishment-oriented mindsets. making anyone suffer in the first place is gratuitous and selfish.

Personally I'd rather have a community where minors are welcome and the people who want to rape them are not. To have both is just irresponsible. I'm not going to kill Micheal Vick but he shouldn't be allowed to work at the pound either.
regardless of personal wants and needs you're always going to be in a community where both minors and child enthusiasts interact with each other, either positively or negatively. the more negatively you react and encourage people to react towards this fact, the more negative the interaction between the child enthusiasts and minors will be in the future. there's no reason to kill michael vick or verbally harass him and encourage him him to commit Self Delete either, he'll just get angry and start torturing dogs in someone else's pound.

Don't really deserve to be treated as such when you don't humanize the person you just traumatized for the rest of their life by violating/loveually torturing them
so if i gave you a gun and put a child enthusiast in front of you and you had the option to legally shoot him, would you? if you don't empathize with the child enthusiast, would you empathize with their family who just lost a son/daughter/brother/sister/father or mother or would you expect them to be just as nonchalant about it as you? do they deserve that loss?
if you dehumanize a rapist and make it okay to kill him/her, then you're traumatizing the family of said rapist for the rest of their life. do they deserve it?

dehumanizing people isn't hip; its sociopathy, and leads to more pain and suffering that could've been prevented. you can still wish death upon child enthusiasts if you want to but when someone here comes flying in trying to ddos and send death threats to a user who routinely browses tor, maybe understand the implications of that negative interaction like you understand the implications of them browsing child research. both have lasting traumatic effects, and one thing trauma doesn't do for people is turn them into saints.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 02:36:45 PM by PhantOS »

So anyway, rapists get the rope
if you're willing to hang a rapist best be prepared to hang yourself. cold-blooded murder is infinitely worse than rape

It's worthwhile to mention that I have been a proponent of 'therapy first' in the past. I remember watching documentaries about the creep village in florida and some of these people have genuinely compelling stories. You know what I think though? I see a lot of apologetic child molesters and very few apologetic child enthusiasts. Strange how these people suddenly want to be understood and helped after they get forgetin' caught.

its not for you rally, its for the next kindergarten playground they decide to target. we just going to tell the child enthusiast to kill themselves and forget off and let wherever they wander next deal with their bullstuff? how is that supposed to be better than actually instilling a sense of responsibility and morals? nobody's asking you to mollycoddle anybody or give them some genuine emotional human bonding, you aren't their therapist. but anythings better than alienating an accident-prone group of individuals with no empathy.

I find the idea that the internet becoming creep-friendly wouldn't cause more harm pretty unlikely, much less that it would have a net positive impact. I don't think there's a lot of data behind this so I think we're both entitled to this opinion, but I don't think it'd be a stretch to say there would be far more instances of children being victimized than child enthusiasts being rehabilitated. I think one of these things is highly likely and the other is very unlikely.

Do you honestly see a child enthusiast like neinhaus or steve or whoever those unapologetic freaks were coming here and admitting they have a problem and asking for support? Even if we just temporarily housed them and tolerated them, they still found each other through stupid 'ironic' jokes about wanting to forget kids and then started trading child research. Not once did they ever imply they were apologetic about it, even up until the day the one got banned for admitting to trading CP and the other moved to Indonesia to pursue their child love market or something.

Quite frankly I think the vast majority of internet child enthusiasts are extremely unapologetic. Go to 4chan and start telling people in loli threads that child enthusiasm is wrong. Watch the foul bullstuff they come out with. It's unbelievable how firmly these people believe they are in the right, and how completely unreceptive these people are of the idea that they can or even should change for the better. The only language these people understand is being exposed and chased away from kids whenever possible, whether it's through internet harassment or court orders.

regardless of personal wants and needs you're always going to be in a community where both minors and child enthusiasts interact with each other, either positively or negatively. the more negatively you react and encourage people to react towards this fact, the more negative the interaction between the child enthusiasts and minors will be in the future.

We can control their interactions to some degree and we already do, lawfully, registered love offenders have certain restraining orders that control their movements and where they're allowed to live, ect. You could argue that in doing so you're hurting their feelings and making them more likely to molest, to me, this seems like a thinly veiled threat by a predator that is less apologetic than you're making them out to be, constantly trying to erode the protections put in place for children through emotional manipulation.

Ideally the line is the perfect midway that minimizes cases but I'm always going to favor the child enthusiast's side significantly less in this dichotomy because again, if they just didn't want to forget kids, we wouldn't have this problem, and that's a choice no matter how you look at it. It might be a hard choice and it might be built on a foundation of personal tragedy but it's still their choice that their victims get no say in.

Obviously we have no authority over unconvicted child enthusiasts though because they have not broken the law yet, but we can and should guard minor-friendly websites. Websites and services like twitter and discord allow people as young as 13 to use their platform by their TOS. In this case, child enthusiasm should be against TOS. If you don't like that idea, you should turn tail and take the 4chan approach and ban everyone under 18 instead for their own protection.

that's not even the worst part. we're surrounded by adolescents here discussing this- what kind of message are you going to send to the children on your kindergarten playground- that another human should die because they 'deserve' it?

Some of the idea here is to put kids on the warpath against child enthusiasm, so that when they're exposed to the behavior from a child enthusiast they instantly react to it negatively. I'm not terribly worried about turning them into murderous vigilantes - I don't think that's actually very likely. The hyperbole itself is just a tool to communicate zero tolerance.

just wanted to say i have a great amount of respect for u crook for taking phantos this seriously and being genuine with your responses

just wanted to say i have a great amount of respect for u crook for taking phantos this seriously and being genuine with your responses
i dont know if this is worded weirdly and i have horrible comprehension rn but this came off as super dismissive to phantos' completely reasonable rehabilitation/proactive response argument. could he be a little optimistic about their humanity? sure. but he's not talking out of his ass

i get the sentiment of zero tolerance and trust me im sure we're all on the same page at the end of the day. i certainly dont really wish well on loveual abusers and have many times wished ill upon them. however a point is to be made here. it's like when people argue about proactive responses and rehabilitation for shooters. many have no sympathy/empathy and yes they deserve their punishment, but moving forward as a society we should probably figure out the best way to prevent stuff like this more reliably, whether that turns out to be calling for heads or actually taking significant steps to make sure these forgeters dont act on their impulses
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 04:06:05 PM by Khaz »

also it kind of pisses me off that you're saying phantos shouldnt be taken seriously when he's contributing to the discussion as a victim. read the room please

No I think he's commenting on how I'm usually stuffposting with my friends and not taking things seriously

well yeah okay i half figured that was the case. if it is then ignore all that

that's not even the worst part. we're surrounded by adolescents here discussing this- what kind of message are you going to send to the children on your kindergarten playground- that another human should die because they 'deserve' it?

Well, I took a moment in the shower to reflect on my argument. Whenever I argue with people about child enthusiasm; I am usually arguing with child enthusiasts who are defending lolicon or something of that nature, so I come at them with little respect. This isn't the case here, we are presenting two arguments with a common goal: protecting children, so I ought to acknowledge this and evaluate my biases. The angle you're taking is a very difficult position to defend, which I respect, and shouldn't take advantage of.

I think one of the objectives of your argument is mainly about excessive aggression when condemning child enthusiasm. While I'm not very convinced that saying mean murderous stuff about child enthusiasts will actually hurt children in the long run, I will admit my defense of that behavior is unintentionally disingenuous; I'm defending it because I got called stupid and want to justify my usual inflammatory antics, not because I actually believe it will protect children, and using anti-child enthusiasm sentiment to bolster this position is wrong.

I don't actually have any reason to believe that being hyperbolic when criticizing child enthusiasm has any positive impact. However I still stand by my position of taking an aggressive approach to identifying and removing these people from communities where they can pose danger.

crook it's honestly funny that you say that because when i was first reading phantos posts he really turned my similar mindset completely on its head.

like ill probably never feel bad about anything or anybody being aggressively anti-child enthusiasm but i mean stuff if there's a better long-term solution here it's def worth a shot

It's worthwhile to mention that I have been a proponent of 'therapy first' in the past. I remember watching documentaries about the creep village in florida and some of these people have genuinely compelling stories. You know what I think though? I see a lot of apologetic child molesters and very few apologetic child enthusiasts. Strange how these people suddenly want to be understood and helped after they get forgetin' caught.
none of them are actually sincerely apologetic. they just want to figure out a way to live a normal social life free from ostracization. getting help is just their means for the end- being treated like a human being. we can say they don't deserve that privilege for what they've done and treat them like stuff, or we can encourage them to take the mutually beneficial route of getting help. telling someone to kill themselves, joking or otherwise, doesn't really help them at all.

I find the idea that the internet becoming creep-friendly wouldn't cause more harm pretty unlikely, much less that it would have a net positive impact. I don't think there's a lot of data behind this so I think we're both entitled to this opinion, but I don't think it'd be a stretch to say there would be far more instances of children being victimized than child enthusiasts being rehabilitated. I think one of these things is highly likely and the other is very unlikely.
regardless of the likelihood of both, they're negatively correlated. the more child enthusiasts rehabilitated, the less children victimized. you can substitute 'child enthusiasts rehabilitated' with 'child enthusiasts punished' but we should be focused on which one yields the best benefits for all parties. we don't have enough data and its just our opinions, but we should at least do our own research on the implications of both. i admittedly haven't fully explored the ramifications of punishment as much as rehabilitation and i only assume it's less than ideal, but i'm going to get back to you if i find anything.

Do you honestly see a child enthusiast like neinhaus or steve or whoever those unapologetic freaks were coming here and admitting they have a problem and asking for support? Even if we just temporarily housed them and tolerated them, they still found each other through stupid 'ironic' jokes about wanting to forget kids and then started trading child research. Not once did they ever imply they were apologetic about it, even up until the day the one got banned for admitting to trading CP and the other moved to Indonesia to pursue their child love market or something.
all i remember about them was that their child enthusiasm was entirely unknown while they were here, which makes sense. they were hiding it and doing a great job at hiding it, because they knew that if they expressed it publicly they would be treated like garbage, just like they have every time before it. in retrospect if we handled the situation better, maybe he wouldn't have bugged out to south asia where child abuse is monetarily incentivized. of course he could've just decided to get help on his own but that's his choice. we had our choice to teach him a lesson on empathy and we passed it up to be antagonistic, and now some kid in indonesia is probably suffering at his hands.

Quite frankly I think the vast majority of internet child enthusiasts are extremely unapologetic. Go to 4chan and start telling people in loli threads that child enthusiasm is wrong. Watch the foul bullstuff they come out with. It's unbelievable how firmly these people believe they are in the right, and how completely unreceptive these people are of the idea that they can or even should change for the better. The only language these people understand is being exposed and chased away from kids whenever possible, whether it's through internet harassment or court orders.
regardless of people's receptiveness to new ideas, its the way you present the idea that matters most. some child enthusiasts in 4chan would be slightly receptive and maybe even be moved or convinced to get help by you. but the majority won't, because they're unreceptive. if we can present the idea that child enthusiasm is wrong in a way that is well received by their twisted minds, then we'll make a better impression on them. there's two languages most people can understand- emotion and rationality. the people we're talking about usually lack the former, and if they lack the latter too they are clinically insane and not applicable. regardless of which they speak or understand best, the negative impressions will never lead to a positive outcome anyways. positive impressions will always have a chance, no matter how slim, to change someone's mind. let's not just concede to losses on all sides.

We can control their interactions to some degree and we already do, lawfully, registered love offenders have certain restraining orders that control their movements and where they're allowed to live, ect. You could argue that in doing so you're hurting their feelings and making them more likely to molest, to me, this seems like a thinly veiled threat by a predator that is less apologetic than you're making them out to be, constantly trying to erode the protections put in place for children through emotional manipulation.
controlling their actions is great, but they should know why we're controlling their actions. if the reason they draw is that we view them as animals with less than human rights and treat them as such, they'll just grow vengeful. if we let them know that they're being controlled for their own good and the good of society and still treated like a human in the end, they'll be more receptive to mutual solutions. antagonistic manipulation isn't a mutual solution and we know that, but they don't. neither is verbal abuse or dehumanization, and that's where we need to start learning.

Ideally the line is the perfect midway that minimizes cases but I'm always going to favor the child enthusiast's side significantly less in this dichotomy because again, if they just didn't want to forget kids, we wouldn't have this problem, and that's a choice no matter how you look at it. It might be a hard choice and it might be built on a foundation of personal tragedy but it's still their choice that their victims get no say in.
everyone deserves a say in the matter, victims to bystanders to perpetrator. everyone should understand what's happening at all times and the ramifications of the decisions we all make. when we silence predators, they just turn into quiet predators. if we silence victims, they turn into quiet victims, and even possibly quiet predators later in life. everyone has the choice to make a difference now, regardless of the past, with eyes on the future.

back when racerboy was hitting me up in 2014 trying to be my 'friend' and talk openly about love, i was really offended. he didn't even know me but was running his mouth about how he wanted to exchange pictures and stuff. the one regret i used to live with was the fact that i never actually tried to be his friend. to this day i'm curious what would've happened if i ignored his creepphilic horniness and just tried to make an actual connection to the man on a deeper level- learn his past, his wants and needs and dreams. there's always the possibility i could've given him a talk on how what he was doing is wrong, and ask him if he needs help finding support for it. stuff like that. it's a lofty goal for a 14 year old mind, but maybe it would've made a difference, and he wouldn't have done the same disgusting stuff to like 30 other kids.

Obviously we have no authority over unconvicted child enthusiasts though because they have not broken the law yet, but we can and should guard minor-friendly websites. Websites and services like twitter and discord allow people as young as 13 to use their platform by their TOS. In this case, child enthusiasm should be against TOS. If you don't like that idea, you should turn tail and take the 4chan approach and ban everyone under 18 instead for their own protection. Some of the idea here is to put kids on the warpath against child enthusiasm, so that when they're exposed to the behavior from a child enthusiast they instantly react to it negatively. I'm not terribly worried about turning them into murderous vigilantes - I don't think that's actually very likely. The hyperbole itself is just a tool to communicate zero tolerance.
those are all valid solutions. i'm not saying we should supplement those; but we all want to guard minor-friendly websites. we can still do it without being unempathetic predators. a zero tolerance policy can still be taken, but what happens after that matters a lot more.

Well, I took a moment in the shower to reflect on my argument. Whenever I argue with people about child enthusiasm; I am usually arguing with child enthusiasts who are defending lolicon or something of that nature, so I come at them with little respect. This isn't the case here, we are presenting two arguments with a common goal: protecting children, so I ought to acknowledge this and evaluate my biases. The angle you're taking is a very difficult position to defend, which I respect, and shouldn't take advantage of.

I think one of the objectives of your argument is mainly about excessive aggression when condemning child enthusiasm. While I'm not very convinced that saying mean murderous stuff about child enthusiasts will actually hurt children in the long run, I will admit my defense of that behavior is unintentionally disingenuous; I'm defending it because I got called stupid and want to justify my usual inflammatory antics, not because I actually believe it will protect children, and using anti-child enthusiasm sentiment to bolster this position is wrong.

I don't actually have any reason to believe that being hyperbolic when criticizing child enthusiasm has any positive impact. However I still stand by my position of taking an aggressive approach to identifying and removing these people from communities where they can pose danger.
its a very serious topic and we can all joke about it from time to time. in the end we know our own intentions better than others do. child enthusiasts and child enthusiast apologists honestly believe they're right and we can't necessarily convince them otherwise, but we can at least point them in the right direction and leave them with the right message. the ultimate goal is that they convince themselves on their own time that it's wrong, and we were responsible for making that happen sooner than later. inflammatory antics are fine and they make us all laugh every once in a while but at least offset the antics with some serious down to earth positive messages for everyone involved.

i respect your position and your receptiveness to mine a lot more than i can express. in all honesty i have no empathy for child enthusiasts either, and their death doesn't faze me at all. but their lives are inherently valuable, either to us or to someone on this planet. the aggressive or passive approach will never work; we should take a stern but humanizing approach to let them know what they're doing is wrong and why, in a way that they will actually understand and benefit from. i'm not accusing anyone of acting a certain way, but it's just an idea for how we should act in the future.

In other news, the GOPs last (extremely thin) legal challenge to disqualify mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania was rejected today, by republican appointed judge D. Brooks Smith. This is the same case that Rudy Giuliani took over. The GOP says they're going to appeal to the supreme court.

I say extremely thin because, quoting the ruling:
"It conceded that it is not alleging election fraud. It has already raised and lost most of these state-law issues, and it cannot relitigate them here. It cites no federal authority regulating poll watchers or notice and cure. It alleges no specific discrimination. And it does not contest that it lacks standing under the Elections and Electors Clauses. These claims cannot succeed."