Author Topic: SCP-6223  (Read 770 times)

Item #: SCP-6223

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Item # SCP-6223 is to be 'contained' within at least one forum thread at any one time. As it is physically impossible to contain SCP-6223 within any site without significant power usage and exclusionary equipment damage, physical containment is impossible. On the order of 05-█ we are to store this SCP on 'Blockland Forums', which seems to be it's place of origin. Effective as of 12/11/22 █:██ ███.
Description: SCP-6223, nicknamed 'Blockhead' by several notorious leakers before capture was able to be done on this anomaly, is species of travelling immortal entities which are able to spatially and temporally alter reality. The circumstance in which SCP-6223 is able to be damaged is unknown; however, having a colored and visible name tag seems to correlate to the times in which they can be harmed and forced to respawn.

Some instances of SCP-6223 are not malicious, and will simply choose to use their spatial manipulation skills to build small blocky houses of an unknown and seemingly indestructible [Read Addendum 0 "Badspot": Full trust incident with Dr. ██████] substance. However, other instances will try other methods of interaction, such as spawning weapons from seemingly nowhere and harassing nearby humans, or making missile arrays which noticeably decrease the rate in which time goes forward before disappearing from this reality and having their constructions cleared. The Foundation has found no trace of either Entity once they have left this reality involuntarily

All instances of SCP-6223 are able to travel between timelines at will, but it seems malicious entities are not able to revisit our timeline after causing a CK-Class Reconfiguration event. Attempts to communicate with SCP-6223 instances to transfer and gather information to and from other reality Foundations has proven unsuccessful, as they are unable to communicate aside from actions resembling sitting, swinging up their arms (sometimes rapidly), and crawling. Some instances have been shown to be able to chance the expression of what appears to be their face, but it appears there is no way to force this.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 05:38:30 AM by Unova2 »

I would have thought this is the funniest thing to have ever happened if I were 16 again.