We got 5 days- y'all know the drill.
But like, what's happening this year? Game's kinda dead yet again, and from what I remember from last year's largely disappointing take on a New Year's fest, "New Year", or whoever owns that account, isn't doing the servers anymore. And as well, you'd typically see a passworded, "New Year's Dev" server for a good few weeks in December, but I've been popping in and out lately to check on BL's server listings, and I'm pretty sure I only saw something related to "New Years" only once around like late November.
This is probably not the place to talk about it, but forget it, I'll take a baddy ass-raping for the team. Blockland 2/Brickadia's gotten like, a player spike of 500+ connected peeps since its alpha 5 release. They just came out with a patch yesterday, I think literally on Christmas Day, so now it's gonna get more traction yet again. Is the celebration moving over to BC? I'd hate to lose all the content that BL already has for 2021NY, specifically pertaining Events, Scripts, Hatmod, and overall just the whole like, loving backbone of this game that is the Add-On scene...but Brickadia's been poppin' off.
So what's the move? Do you think everyone's gonna return to Blockland again for what could potentially be the final annual magnum opus stuffpost? Or has the community finally moved over to Brickadia's incomplete (but damn gorgeous) redux?