Author Topic: Badspot - Lets start guessing your brain cell count  (Read 5806 times)

If you can guess how many brain cells Badspot has - Post it down.

I'll give you all a hint, it's in the single digits.

the way you're supposed to answer this riddle is to empty the container out then answer 'zero'

the way you're supposed to answer this riddle is to empty the container out then answer 'zero'

But that's illegal!?

approximately 56 googleplex brain cells

by this point id be surprised if he has any left

his brain cell count equals the highest BLID in use

Plenty. As I've grown older I've realized why he is letting it die.

It's a real shame, I would have donated money, maybe even struck a cause if he spoke, I really hated him too.

I never really understood why people dislike Badspot so much, he is actually a pretty nice guy in general. As long as you don't say something or do something completely stupid to piss him off/get on his bad side.

For instance, nagging him about updates, or saying how maps were so much better and we need them back, cussing him out or just being an ass about the game basically. If you don't like Blockland for what it is, the simple solution is don't play.

Now, that being said I'm sure there are many people including myself who would love to see Blockland return to it's former glory - this is seemingly wishful thinking. The game is practically in the hands of modders to make new things and create different server experiences now. It surely wouldn't hurt if we had an update here and there to fix things (which seems to be the case) but possibly a little more active development on his end would be nice. However, as the ol' saying goes "don't bite the hand that feeds you" has happened many times throughout the history of this game - it's really no surprise that he doesn't want to do anything else with it. I for one, am thankful he helped active users such as myself get their accounts back after the key loss and that we can still play Blockland at all.

If people want Blockland to become popular again what it really needs is some solid advertisement

I never really understood why people dislike Badspot so much, he is actually a pretty nice guy in general. As long as you don't say something or do something completely stupid to piss him off/get on his bad side.

For instance, nagging him about updates, or saying how maps were so much better and we need them back, cussing him out or just being an ass about the game basically. If you don't like Blockland for what it is, the simple solution is don't play.

Now, that being said I'm sure there are many people including myself who would love to see Blockland return to it's former glory - this is seemingly wishful thinking. The game is practically in the hands of modders to make new things and create different server experiences now. It surely wouldn't hurt if we had an update here and there to fix things (which seems to be the case) but possibly a little more active development on his end would be nice. However, as the ol' saying goes "don't bite the hand that feeds you" has happened many times throughout the history of this game - it's really no surprise that he doesn't want to do anything else with it. I for one, am thankful he helped active users such as myself get their accounts back after the key loss and that we can still play Blockland at all.

If people want Blockland to become popular again what it really needs is some solid advertisement
One of the bigger problems is that Blockland has no player retention, and that's partially due to the fact that the game has no easy access to custom content

New players essentially have to be told where they can get add-ons, and be told what the "must have" add-ons are that makes it easier and more fun to build and play

One of the bigger problems is that Blockland has no player retention, and that's partially due to the fact that the game has no easy access to custom content

New players essentially have to be told where they can get add-ons, and be told what the "must have" add-ons are that makes it easier and more fun to build and play
I sort of get that in a way, but it's not hard to do a google search "Blockland Add-ons" and find the forum directory or other places with add-ons or guides talking about add-ons and what they do/how to install them. All it takes is a little bit of reading and some very novice computer knowledge to download and install them.

Also, with a mod such as Blockland Glass, they can download add-ons from in-game so all they need is that one add-on to start with - I don't see how it's that complicated really - extremely easy compared to installing mods for other more popular/heavily advertised games

I never really understood why people dislike Badspot so much, he is actually a pretty nice guy in general. As long as you don't say something or do something completely stupid to piss him off/get on his bad side.

For instance, nagging him about updates, or saying how maps were so much better and we need them back, cussing him out or just being an ass about the game basically. If you don't like Blockland for what it is, the simple solution is don't play.

Now, that being said I'm sure there are many people including myself who would love to see Blockland return to it's former glory - this is seemingly wishful thinking. The game is practically in the hands of modders to make new things and create different server experiences now. It surely wouldn't hurt if we had an update here and there to fix things (which seems to be the case) but possibly a little more active development on his end would be nice. However, as the ol' saying goes "don't bite the hand that feeds you" has happened many times throughout the history of this game - it's really no surprise that he doesn't want to do anything else with it. I for one, am thankful he helped active users such as myself get their accounts back after the key loss and that we can still play Blockland at all.

If people want Blockland to become popular again what it really needs is some solid advertisement

I sort of get that in a way, but it's not hard to do a google search "Blockland Add-ons" and find the forum directory or other places with add-ons or guides talking about add-ons and what they do/how to install them. All it takes is a little bit of reading and some very novice computer knowledge to download and install them.
Sure you could do that, but ease of access and convenience right from the get-go is certainly a valid thing to want

I mean, not at this point, not in the game's current state, but maybe if it were to get a resurgence of players or something

Also, with a mod such as Blockland Glass, they can download add-ons from in-game so all they need is that one add-on to start with - I don't see how it's that complicated really - extremely easy compared to installing mods for other more popular/heavily advertised games
It's not that it's complicated, it's just extra steps that could've easily been solved ages ago, even something as simple as a 'Get Add-Ons' button on the main menu that opened the Blockland Forums' 'Add-Ons' board would have sufficed

wait, you mean there's people other than problem users that legitimately dislike badspot?

I mean I never like interacted with him aside from like 2 - 3 emails, pms about stuff or something (and probably never got a reply iirc) but considering his position I always thought he seemed at least ok.