Author Topic: News Flash! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Geothermic activty, never before seen!  (Read 3693 times)

Manually archived by Wedge. If you have a question or think the topic should be unlocked, PM me, and I'll probably unlock it.

Starboard Town- A curious hole discovered durring update 11 has begun spewing hot ash and suphuric fumes into the sky. At 5:00am, before the eruption, several tremours measuring 4.0 on the richter scale were detected in Starboard Town. The PTAL (Port Town Advisor Leauge) suggest you do not breathe the air, as you may die.

Pre-Activity (Disaster waiting to happen)

The Volcano

Wedge, Port Town's leading volcanologist, has led an expedition to the bottom. No signs of return have been found, and it is speculated that he may have perished. Had he died at the bottom, it is estimated he would have left ~200gp and his last will and testiment...

More research is being carried out on this geothermal event, an exploartion team is being assembled.

Wedge- 26
The volcanolgist is speculated to be dead after disapeering within the fiery underworld of the volcanic event.

Sergent TMC- 31
The Port Town Army leading sergent, has fallen victim to the volcano. He has been missing for some time now, and is presumed dead.

Bandera- 24
The local horse hoarder is yet another unfortunate fatality due to this strange event.

Compuman- 28
Ruthelessly killed by "Hitman", then sacraficed into the volcaco. He is confirmed dead.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 08:50:26 AM by Wedge »

Update-- RPG, How to Play.

1. Purchase a newspaper from wedge for 5gp (-20gp income for me, need cash so I can keep printing them)
2. Follow directions.
3. Collect cash and note at end.
4. Leave note.
5. Self Delete, and leave a note and some cash if you are feeling charitable.

Why am I doing this? Because I took the initial prize, felt bad becasue it doesn't come back, so I started the RPG. Its fun. Newspaper is cool :)

well... someone named Office ClavaTon went down there, took all the notes and prizes, killed both horses that were down there, and then left.

Edit: he has multiple screen names, they all have ClavaTon in them.  I say it's time to call a bounty

I'm figured it would happen eventually, oh well. I'm done hosting it.

EDIT: I talked to him about it. It was because I wasn't there to run it, and I guess people didn't know what to do, so they took it all. He can have the stuff, but I'd like the notes back. Its just plot related worthless stuff, in case I start it up again. I don't want to buy all that parchment back.

EDIT: He supposedly "lost" the notes when he Self Deleted, allthough you don't lose items by dieng.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 12:59:10 PM by Wedge »

I'm figured it would happen eventually, oh well. I'm done hosting it.

EDIT: I talked to him about it. It was because I wasn't there to run it, and I guess people didn't know what to do, so they took it all. He can have the stuff, but I'd like the notes back. Its just plot related worthless stuff, in case I start it up again. I don't want to buy all that parchment back.

EDIT: He supposedly "lost" the notes when he Self Deleted, allthough you don't lose items by dieng.

Heh... i told him he could take one thing.  I brought him there and showed him all the stuff, then he grabbed it all and Self Deleted.