Author Topic: unable to join certain servers  (Read 8342 times)

i've tried joining 3 different servers from friends and i couldn't connect to any of them
my other friends could connect to it but i couldn't
the speedkart club server also has the same issue
ping displays as "---" to me and trying to connect ends up with sending packets forever

the server host needs to port forward

as far as ive seen, in order to join --- servers, both the client and the server need uPnP enabled on their routers. if either do not have it, the sending punch packets will just go on forever.

A possible solution is to click "Query internet." It'll refresh the ping on the servers and hopefully some servers should be able to work again.
I can't guarantee it'll work in your scenario, it's worked for me several times.
I'd just give a shot

the server host needs to port forward

as far as ive seen, in order to join --- servers, both the client and the server need uPnP enabled on their routers. if either do not have it, the sending punch packets will just go on forever.

does blockland use some antiquated network module that nobody uses today or am i stupid

Which server are you attempting to join?

does blockland use some antiquated network module that nobody uses today or am i stupid
no its implementation of upnp is flawed

the server has --- ping so you need upnp enabled on your router to join it iirc

no its implementation of upnp is flawed

the server has --- ping so you need upnp enabled on your router to join it iirc
i don't think that's possible with this stuff ass router firmware lmao

i don't think that's possible with this stuff ass router firmware lmao
nevermind that i managed to find that option in a very obscure hidden spot