Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 610867 times)

Pirate Ryan quit blockland, i might as well quit, i might give my key to one of my friends, along with all my mods...

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 08:10:20 PM by Badspot »

I once accidentally did something and i lost my authentication code so i had to get a new one, and my id was 7866

and i got banned about 30 times from idiots that ids are like in the 6000's


and my old id was 3799. Seriously, people need to get some common sense here.
Nicole, you do know there is the Blockland Key Recovery system, right?
Go to the homepage, click support, click key recovery, type the email you put your old key on, (if you remember) then it should go to that email.

Pirate Ryan quit blockland, i might as well quit, i might give my key to one of my friends, along with all my mods...

User was banned for this post

I join a red vs blue TDM server. Everything is going all right, but then an admin asks everyone what their favorite king of music is. I say that I like classical music and that I play the violin, and I am banned for being a "cigarette".

Heres a really dumb ban. One time i join Zero's sever and then these people named darth maul and then i like jumped on there building and 2 of these peope named darth maul had the same name and they was geting married and i bet there ugly so that why thet date online and then i was not admin on the sever for some reason and then they killed me so a few mins later the boy type started to hit me with a wand and he keep pushing me off the clifft and then i said "Stop" then he said "Noooooooooo" and then me and him keep repeating it then he ban me and reason "I don't like you" and they spell like 6 years old's and there was a another time they keep jailing me for noting! god they are such idiots and i got reavege when one of them join my sever and ban them forever and Reason "Do not act like a noob on zeros sever and ban people for good and if you do ill unban you" and they still did not so it keep on forever...

I got banned last year for going onto a server <buliding stuff> the admin said stop spamming <spamming by buliding bricks not even and entire bulid>then like everyone fired bullets at him then well he banned us saying Dont Spam

I join a red vs blue TDM server. Everything is going all right, but then an admin asks everyone what their favorite king of music is. I say that I like classical music and that I play the violin, and I am banned for being a "cigarette".

Ok whoever did that is a cigarette that I would like to beat the living hell out of. I find the violin a very beautiful instrument. The sound is soothing. If someone calls you a cigarette for liking violins, they deserve to be brutally tortured and killed............

Truce has been trying to get me banned from any server he is on. I Whent to NiXiles server a little while ago, and Truce started shooting me with his ban wand. Then at Rky's server He told Rky that I tuched somethin, now i'm banned from that server too.

i cant remember whos but i joined a server and it was a movie server. so i joined and i was banned permanently reason : no id's higher then 5845 or something.

Truce has been trying to get me banned from any server he is on. I Whent to NiXiles server a little while ago, and Truce started shooting me with his ban wand. Then at Rky's server He told Rky that I tuched somethin, now i'm banned from that server too.
Truce is always testing his ban wand he is always editing the code.

he said to guess the admin pass word so i asked his friend what it was and he told me i got into admin and i got banned for reson: But i'm good at this :D

uhhhh ok?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 09:48:24 PM by -Tails- »

Reason: Dont_Be_mean

Looks like someone hasn't heard about the clearbricks menu ^.^, and manually did it with a command.

he said to guess the admin pass word so i asked his friend what it was and he told me i got into admin and i got banned for reson: But i'm good at this :D

uhhhh ok?
oh tails you changed your av :P

also i got anouther

no wait i don't D:

i once played on such a "challenge" game where you had to go trough levels. I thought it was too hard and asked some of the admins build trust, got it and started building stairs etc. Then i got bant for "cheatings" :P