Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606539 times)

I remember back when I first got Blockland i joined a freebuild. I found two players in a house and I opened the door and stood on the couch and said "How do I sit?" and got banned for the reason "we dont accept noobs"
A little bit harsh to call you an idiot.

i went to DeadfromHeaven's TF2 Server just recently and when i spawned i saw him kick someone did he said "i hate being pwned" so i become soldier and kill him with the rocket then he kills me with Heavy so i kill him again with Soldier and he kicks me :cookieMonster:

I was only 9 at the time.

A little bit harsh to call you an idiot.
He owns page 222 :o
I was only 9 at the time.
I don't think he'll get your mail because that guy isn't with us anymore

Once I got banned on a server in 2011 for the reason "ihazadmanpoersLOLOLOL".

Someone called snowy claims to have an account with an ID of 7 and I said that doesn't exist she/he/whatever said that's because you're on RTB,I checked a site that isn't RTB and got banned for
On another site?Well sir,you are on the wrong site.

NOEDIT:Just got banned for talking Reason:Nope

Getting banned from Super Murder Mystery servers for RDMing the host, either unintentionally, accidentally because they walked into your stream of bullets while you were firing at someone else, or because they shot you first and because of that you thought they were mafia.

In any of these cases, the admins on those servers only care about enforcing rules if they get killed.

One time this guy walked in to the house I was in, attacked first and I retaliated, and he was all like "Wtf m8" and I said he shot first, but Mr. Perfect and dandy thought otherwise and banned me for 60 minutes.

Better than the classic Badmin permanent ban you get for such minuscule bullstuff, however.

o.o that guy must hate ROBLOX.
Hrmmm so heard your a Build Stealer?

Some kinda of guy that Clames builds on the server.
whatever Blockhead32882 (my bud) builds he clams every stuff he builds,
Before that happened i think he was actting like a 5 year old,
when i was using he banned me for a bad reason.
"You didnt let me know about that" i and i was banned forever.

All i can remeber his name starts with Mr. (i dont remeber his name alot......) same like me.
when i said "crap" he banned me with this reason "You said bad word :o".

(sorry for triple post DX)

Some kinda of guy that Clames builds on the server.
whatever Blockhead32882 (my bud) builds he clams every stuff he builds,
Before that happened i think he was actting like a 5 year old,
when i was using he banned me for a bad reason.
"You didnt let me know about that" i and i was banned forever.
A)  A lot of people don't like blockheads around here because they have some sort of disrepute.
B)  People hate funkyshirt.  It spams the server and is a bad mod.

I once got banned from Lord Tony's server for being a brony. This was before I new of his extreme hatred toward us, lol

I once got banned from Lord Tony's server for being a brony. This was before I new of his extreme hatred toward us, lol
but this is 4 BAD bans hharharharararhararh!!

all that junk about "being too lazy to change name"

i always find it funny when i hear someone make that statement

except i'm not laughing