Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 678060 times)

Epic fail on GreenBays part.... you have to automatically listen to what his character says or you get banned for failrp. I was roleplaying as cyborg with malfunctioning ears but he didn't even give me a chance to explain. The server had so much potential, too.

Epic fail on GreenBays part.... you have to automatically listen to what his character says or you get banned for failrp. I was roleplaying as cyborg with malfunctioning ears but he didn't even give me a chance to explain. The server had so much potential, too.
Isn't that server a storm trooper military RP? I say fair enough banning you if that's what he wants his server to be. 10 minutes is decent too, if he knew your history he should have just perma'd you

Isn't that server a storm trooper military RP? I say fair enough banning you if that's what he wants his server to be. 10 minutes is decent too, if he knew your history he should have just perma'd you
Little do you know, there are actually cyborg stormtroopers in the Star Wars lore. This seems like you, a simple loser, trying to butt into an affair that is none of your business. Go lose somewhere else please.

Little do you know, there are actually cyborg stormtroopers in the Star Wars lore. This seems like you, a simple loser, trying to butt into an affair that is none of your business. Go lose somewhere else please.
Butt into an affair that is none of my business? You posted in a thread on the blockland forums. If you can't handle someone replying to your post, perhaps you shouldn't post at all?

You got banned for failrp for not listening to the host. Don't try and play victim when we all know you were just there to stuff up the joint anyway

Butt into an affair that is none of my business? You posted in a thread on the blockland forums. If you can't handle someone replying to your post, perhaps you shouldn't post at all?

You got banned for failrp for not listening to the host. Don't try and play victim when we all know you were just there to stuff up the joint anyway
You're punching out of your weight right now. You couldn't hope to compete with me in a battle of wit so I'm not even going to humor you with any more responses.

You're punching out of your weight right now. You couldn't hope to compete with me in a battle of wit so I'm not even going to humor you with any more responses.
You're not even putting any effort into stuffposting anymore. Sad watching your gradual decline

Epic fail on GreenBays part.... you have to automatically listen to what his character says or you get banned for failrp. I was roleplaying as cyborg with malfunctioning ears but he didn't even give me a chance to explain. The server had so much potential, too.

What's funny is that can actually happen. Have you seen the seventh Star Wars movie? It's like you don't even know the universe.

What's funny is that can actually happen. Have you seen the seventh Star Wars movie? It's like you don't even know the universe.
That server was pretty much "Do exactly what you're told or get banned while you watch Darth Admin Sue handle everything."

Little do you know, there are actually cyborg stormtroopers in the Star Wars lore. This seems like you, a simple loser, trying to butt into an affair that is none of your business. Go lose somewhere else please.
As far as I know the only cyborg Stormtroopers are the Darktroopers and they are not in this server

Its fascinating how people still don't talk alternative as a troll after all this time

That server was pretty much "Do exactly what you're told or get banned while you watch Darth Admin Sue handle everything."
I thought you were admin, that's why I lashed out. My bad.
Its fascinating how people still don't talk alternative as a troll after all this time
Don't ever think you have the clout to step toe to toe with me again.

I was banned from Needle44's Space RP for 10 minutes. Reason: Terrible RPer, random DM, ect. I was there for less then 4 minutes and barely said anything even after getting Random DMed by an admin. I didn't even DM and no one there was Roleplaying.


would be pretty incredible if the guy came back and said apology accepted lol