Author Topic: Set default Environment settings mod.  (Read 2688 times)

A simple mod where when you set the ground, sky, and water to certain things, or fiddle with things in the Advanced tab (like light color or sun position), when you're done, you can click a button that saves it as the Default, and next time you rehost your server (or restart your Singleplayer game), when you load in your Environment stuff will be reset to what you've saved it to.

This mod is nice, but is there a way to have the #1 preset pre-loaded into the game? Or is that not possible without editing the environment settings in the custom gamemode itself?

This mod is nice, but is there a way to have the #1 preset pre-loaded into the game?

Just saves an extra step, the green studs and the default skybox gets boring after a while. Not really needed though; just an idea/suggestion

can u read
it takes like 5 seconds to pick a preset, idk why you would need a whole nother addon to do that for you

it takes like 5 seconds to pick a preset, idk why you would need a whole nother addon to do that for you
It lags the ever living stuff out of my client sometimes and takes like a whole 2 minutes to do, I don't see why there's anything wrong with requesting this.