Author Topic: does anyone know what the "Drum Portal" is?  (Read 2905 times)

i did some digging around and found this Reddit post that talks about this weird thing called the "Drum Portal"
after further digging around i found this forum post that has video links to whatever it's supposed to be, but they're all taken down

this has piqued my curiosity, does anyone know anything about it?

nothing. it was a fake video asablief made

That thread was kind of handicapped if i was still here 10 years later i would be embarrased

nothing. it was a fake video asablief made
i know it's fake but it intrigues me none the less

That thread was kind of handicapped if i was still here 10 years later i would be embarrased
actually being here ten years ago is the perfect excuse. at least we have nostalgia for the game and its forum. what's really pathetic is sticking around now, in this poor state, when you don't even have that excuse
i know it's fake but it intrigues me none the less
that thread contains the entirety of its lore. it's actually weird that it ended up in a reddit post. maybe the OP is asablief lol

i just wish the video was archived because i love spooky Blockland crap

what's really pathetic is sticking around now, in this poor state, when you don't even have that

Fox going for the jugular with that one.
I'm also included, I am also still here, why can't I give up childhood things

Reading this was sad.  Asabelief was legit trying to do something creative/entertaining and of course the usually edgelords had to stuff on it.  SMH you guys wonder why nothing creative ever gets done in this community