Author Topic: Anyone grow marijuana?  (Read 2082 times)

I never knew they grew flowers or that they form out of the top of the flower.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 10:15:10 AM by Soukuw »

dawg that's a bell pepper

Bellpepper best marijuana

yeah dude i love mario wanna

dawg that's a bell pepper
You're joking right? I bought this clone for $15.

those are tomatoes dawg

You're joking right? I bought this clone for $15.
marijuana has a really distinctive smell when growing so if you’re serious you got scammed. plus the leaves aint nothing like hemp.

think you've made a mistake, pretty sure marijuana is supposed to look like this

anyone who is taking this me me seriously needs to try some

You're joking right? I bought this clone for $15.
pot leaf unironically looks like the Pop Culture Pot Leaf that stoners put on everything. you've been scammed

nice try fed it’s all oregano

My friend does (LEGALLY) and we've smoked it before but to be fair most people here just say screw it and they go to a dispo.  Don't get me wrong, its fun as stuff smoking ur own product after rolling ur own joint/blunt but nothing beats dispo edibles/concentrates. 

i dont fry my dopamine and serotonin receptors so no

i dont fry my dopamine and serotonin receptors so no
Growing it $$\neq$$ taking it