Author Topic: the stagnation of blockland  (Read 27207 times)

Blockland was fun while it lasted, but unfortunately, Badspot hated the community and lost interest in providing for it (can you really even blame him?). Play something else.
I agree with this somewhat except blockland is still fun to revisit every once in awhile.

Play Brickadia.
sell out, go back to your discord server.

Because if we did Decomp Blockland, and make an community mod that would be managed by someone who is more interested in keeping Blockland alive,
We might be able to revive Blockland.

It is inevitable, but I hope it is sooner than later.

Play Brickadia. It always has at least one exciting 24/7 themed freebuild up, it's player numbers are similar to blockland at worst and WAY more at best, and it has a bright future ahead of it (rather than a dead one). Also it runs better, looks better, and feels better in every way. Features that are currently missing are already being worked on. (Bright future) The only downside is the development team is way too small to make fast progress, so you kinda gotta wait for it to be everything Blockland is.

this entire paragraph is utterly hilarious

its not like hes all that wrong. as soon as modding is in id probably give it a go and migrate

modding is in
Do you mean blockland equivalent modding or just some preferences they add in over time.

Do you mean blockland equivalent modding or just some preferences they add in over time.
ive talked with a few in the know about modding and it looks like it will be close to as capable as blockland modding is. they wont be releasing anything half baked for sure.

ive talked with a few in the know about modding and it looks like it will be close to as capable as blockland modding is. they wont be releasing anything half baked for sure.
ill believe it when i see it

ill believe it when i see it

the mod capabilities of Blockland are insane — I'll be impressed if they manage to pull off something "close to as capable."

I get what you're saying but I'd argue that if you ever look at the Blockland Content Creator discord of around 500 members, roughly 100 of them are online at a time.
there is a massive difference between that and people actually playing the game

the mod capabilities of Blockland are insane
not sure where you get that idea. they're pretty typical and tons of games afford mods way more flexibility
AND don't require you to learn a stupid little language that you will literally never use anywhere else before or after

this entire paragraph is utterly hilarious
How? I'm willing to bet you've never even booted up the game in the last year.


the mod capabilities of Blockland are insane — I'll be impressed if they manage to pull off something "close to as capable."
How are they insane? They're just open.. Blockland runs on a garbage engine. All they'd have to do to match Blockland is allow people to mod it how they want and incorporate an easy system of mod installation.

It always has at least one exciting 24/7 themed freebuild up

How are they insane? They're just open.. Blockland runs on a garbage engine.
the engine may be garbage but blockland has easily some of the best mod support i've ever seen

All they'd have to do to match Blockland is allow people to mod it how they want and incorporate an easy system of mod installation.
i highly doubt its gonna be that simple

you could completely rip off blockland without any legal consequence as long as you don't use any of the actual game's stuff that belongs to badspot

e.g, code, assets, models, etc.
oh really? I suppose your going to de-obfuscate every .cs.dso and rewrite it? Even if you did, it still wouldn't be your game. It would always be a game someone else made, that you stole / heavily modified to be your own. The legal consequences all depend on if Badspot is willing to sue your ass or not. I'm not usually one to make assumptions, but something tells me he can afford a better lawyer than you

fancy graphics just to distract the lesser beings from the blemishes and lack of sandbox features
but hell yeah, make super saturated graphics first
yeah seems to be a common theme these days "eye popping grafix!" w/ stuff core gameplay functionality

Blockland already looks better than roblox with forced anti ailising, reshade, and custom in game shaders.

I can certainly empathize with Badspot sometimes, if you've ever made anything for this community, you understand how much of an irritating and thankless job it is. Although it's not really thankless because he got paid to do it. And he was also hilariously spiteful towards actual children, and did insane stuff ranging from refusing to resolve privacy concerns for minors because he didn't want to "help them cover their ass tracks", to giving instructions to 13 year olds on how to commit Self Delete because they annoyed him.

Whatever problem he had with us, he was definitely predisposed to it. But having to deal with handicaps like this when you're trying to emergency monkeypatch the game because some freak broke it will do that to you. You don't have to look very hard to realize that this kind of behavior went all the way back up the chain.
accurate statement(s)

the engine may be garbage but blockland has easily some of the best mod support i've ever seen
it's true

i highly doubt its gonna be that simple
it won't be

the mod capabilities of Blockland are insane — I'll be impressed if they manage to pull off something "close to as capable."
me too

ill believe it when i see it
again, me too

Yes, actually, because he let the toxicity fester, and by doing that, of course he grew more and more tired of his community, because that allowed everyone to be about as negative and problematic toward himself and the community as they wanted to be without getting banned for it as much/as harshly as they should have

Badspot was too laid back on his moderation and Rotondo more or less followed suit in that regard, at least someone like Ephialtes was more likely to punish bad behavior when he had his moderator status
Do you have any idea how many people have been banned from this forum? Quite a few over the years. Besides that, you can't honestly expect a group of a few individuals to dedicate their entire life to moderating a forum full of arguing about nonsense (mostly relates to off-topic and drama sections). If Blockland were some sort of majorly popular game with a big development team you should expect that sort of behavior - but Blockland isn't one of those games. I do hope someday BL picks back up in popularity though because it really is amazingly fun. It's one of those games you can go back to even if it's been a while - just to let out some creative freedom or chill with a few friends and mess around.
MOSTLY THOUGH: WE NEED ADS (and if we get there, a dedicated moderation team that isn't too extreme but knows where to draw the line if things get too serious)

not sure where you get that idea. they're pretty typical and tons of games afford mods way more flexibility
AND don't require you to learn a stupid little language that you will literally never use anywhere else before or after
The fact that you call it a "stupid little language" speaks volumes. Is it the torque-script syntax that's stupid, or you for not knowing it well enough? I happen to enjoy coding in TorqueScript, plus it's always cool to find a little code shortcut / "hack" here and there. It's something that requires patience and understanding, as you would expect from any sort of programming language

« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 01:36:27 PM by Goth77 »

Is it the torque-script syntax that's stupid, or you for not knowing it well enough?
the first one

 ts is legitimately a garbage programming language, partially due to it being terribly coded and buggy, and partially due to it actually making stupid design decisions. theres indications it was made with a “generate a scripting language” program as well. fox knows what hes talking about.

Quote from: Jay the Cartoonist on Yesterday at 11:17:40 PM
    All they'd have to do to match Blockland is allow people to mod it how they want and incorporate an easy system of mod installation.
hopium man. im not trying to stuff on brickadia or anything because if there is a will, there is a way. i don't particularly dislike brickadia either, it's just the lack of 'programming features' and basic mod-ability compared to blockland. brickadia is better for building in general, i was even more impressed with the save converter (not sure if that even works anymore though) ..if they can do that one could hope there is a way to add support for / parse some TS to Unity since they are similar languages. this takes much time and dedication, however. - Whichever way you look at it things are going to be different regardless. Different doesn't have to be bad, as long as it's done right.

the first one
i kinda get what you mean because ts can be kinda ridiculous at times (as can many different coding languages) but fr there are far worse coding languages and ts really is not that bad in comparison. I guess that's all a matter of an opinion though

ts is legitimately a garbage programming language, partially due to it being terribly coded and buggy, and partially due to it actually making stupid design decisions. theres indications it was made with a “generate a scripting language” program as well. fox knows what hes talking about.
ts isn't perfect by any means, but calling it garbage? that's harsh man. there is plenty of room for flexibility when it comes to mods and events imo. it almost saddens me to hear you say that when you've made so many great add-ons and an epic farming server along with coding for a.o.d and more );