in terms of time spent not at all lol, it's been approximately 5 years compared to the retail version of blockland being released like 3 years after v002. also i guess it's true if you ignore the existence of vehicles before v8
Yeah but they have ummmm raytracing soooo
It's not really up for us to say, sure that sounds pretty much like blockland back at v9 when I first joined the community, but it's not our game, and they can do whatever they want to it and add whatever more they wish too
Yeah I kinda figure the same and that was my initial point. They're just having fun. Adding mod support to unreal engine is the antithesis of fun. It's not like they're asking for money. It's just that most of us are sitting around here with baited breath waiting for blockland's "spiritual successor" and as soon as Brickadia gets mod support it will be here.
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned it yet, but while Brickadia does not yet have mod support officially, there is a third-party server wrapper around called "omegga" made by the user cake.
I've seen this, it's pretty cool. I think someone managed to make a proximity voice mod with this or something? Pretty neat. I was able to replicate it for Blockland in a couple days. I guess ultimately they could add a stuffload of functionality to the console: this isn't far off from how Blockland works. But the issue of getting models/sounds/assets in and out of the game remains. When something like CityRPG is possible through this I'll be very interested