Author Topic: JD case in a nutshell  (Read 1369 times)

Amber's lawyers: Don't worry amber we'll make sure you'll never take the stand we'll scream "objection" and "hearsay" every 5 seconds making the witnesses unable to respond and then get the case dismissed.

judge: get forgeted no dismissal.

Amber frowns the entire trial for hours on end even though frowning takes more effort than smiling and frowning for hours on end is completely unnatural even if you were abused.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 10:01:41 PM by King Tøny »

How the forget am I supposed to live my life? I have a degree in an ENGINEERING FEILD with an ARCHITECTURAL type job, yet I need to work two jobs, 72-80 hours a week just to be able to afford to live in a 2 bed 1 bath house. Why do I make slave wages while my girlfriend, who doesn't even have a degree, makes 45k+ a year? "Bruh just get a new job" shut the forget up on god. Every single job in my field of work requires 2+ years of experience, EVERY SINGLE ONE. So basically I need to throw away my early 20's for two years until I can actually move up in life? And my parents want me to go back to college and get my Bachelor's. How the EVER LIVING forget am I supposed to do that on top of my extensive workload? I literally work 7 am to 11pm. I get home and I don't even have time to shower. I just immediately go to bed just so I can wake up and repeat the same bullstuff. My phone even acknowledges my work office as "Home". The weekends are spent catching up on sleep and doing house chores and maintenance. I have a good 5 hours PER WEEK to relax and do what I want. I asked my boss for a raise but he basically said no because I haven't worked here long enough. Inflation rose nearly 8% but my paycheck didn't. All my coworkers are having kids and living perfectly fine because they get paid actually decent salaries, while I get paid as much as a restaurant cook. The boss for my other job has no say in my wage, and HR definitely wouldn't approve of it. So not only do I get like $2500 per month to pay my bills, but I get to watch all my friends visit foreign countries and do wild stuff because they live off mommy daddy money. I don't get invited to stuff nor can I even attend anything due to how busy I am constantly. I loving hate how stupid boomers keep spouting the same handicapped bullstuff like "well back in my day I made $7 an hour and and and" Bitch thats like $24/hr adjusted for inflation. God loving damn.

Thank god for rising gas prices, my car insurance jumping up $60 (I have a PERFECT record on a paid off vehicle), and inflation being the highest its been in years. Did I mention I never got any stimulus checks nor have I been credited via tax returns? forget me.

I'm so loving exhausted. I want to sleep. I want to enjoy my 20's. I'll be 23 this year and I can only recall working like a sweatshop worker for the past few years, either being in college or just in general at my job. The American Dream.

its gold. all the witnesses on johnnys side have been a-tier. one of my favs was when ambers assistant basically went off about how miserable working for her was the entire time. peak clown world stuff honestly

-what the forget-
maybe start by not living a level 35 lifestyle? you're 22 dude what the forget are you doing owning a house right out of college lol. i mean good on you thats honestly badass, but it sounds like you wont get to enjoy your 20s cause you jumped the gun mega hard and i guess didn't have the financial backbone to really be comfortable with that.

most dudes your age either wont go to college or are just starting, and are living in cheapo apartments they can actually afford every month like me lol. but forget it you're in it now. stick to the grind. so long as you dont forget it up you'll wind up with a way better life than anyone else you'll know. you can have all the fun now and be miserable as an adult or do the miserable adult thing now so you can have all the fun later.

also ditch the "fear of missing out" mentality. it wastes your time, which you have a taj mahal palace amount of at this age, and worrying about what your numb nut peers are up to is just asking for mental torture. these peoples lives may look all sunshine and sparkles on the outside but if i had to guess they're probably more forgeted up than yours is. or it will eventually get to that point

How the forget am I supposed to live my life? I have a degree in an ENGINEERING FEILD with an ARCHITECTURAL type job, yet I need to work two jobs, 72-80 hours a week just to be able to afford to live in a 2 bed 1 bath house. Why do I make slave wages while my girlfriend, who doesn't even have a degree, makes 45k+ a year? "Bruh just get a new job" shut the forget up on god. Every single job in my field of work requires 2+ years of experience, EVERY SINGLE ONE. So basically I need to throw away my early 20's for two years until I can actually move up in life? And my parents want me to go back to college and get my Bachelor's. How the EVER LIVING forget am I supposed to do that on top of my extensive workload? I literally work 7 am to 11pm. I get home and I don't even have time to shower. I just immediately go to bed just so I can wake up and repeat the same bullstuff. My phone even acknowledges my work office as "Home". The weekends are spent catching up on sleep and doing house chores and maintenance. I have a good 5 hours PER WEEK to relax and do what I want. I asked my boss for a raise but he basically said no because I haven't worked here long enough. Inflation rose nearly 8% but my paycheck didn't. All my coworkers are having kids and living perfectly fine because they get paid actually decent salaries, while I get paid as much as a restaurant cook. The boss for my other job has no say in my wage, and HR definitely wouldn't approve of it. So not only do I get like $2500 per month to pay my bills, but I get to watch all my friends visit foreign countries and do wild stuff because they live off mommy daddy money. I don't get invited to stuff nor can I even attend anything due to how busy I am constantly. I loving hate how stupid boomers keep spouting the same handicapped bullstuff like "well back in my day I made $7 an hour and and and" Bitch thats like $24/hr adjusted for inflation. God loving damn.

Thank god for rising gas prices, my car insurance jumping up $60 (I have a PERFECT record on a paid off vehicle), and inflation being the highest its been in years. Did I mention I never got any stimulus checks nor have I been credited via tax returns? forget me.

I'm so loving exhausted. I want to sleep. I want to enjoy my 20's. I'll be 23 this year and I can only recall working like a sweatshop worker for the past few years, either being in college or just in general at my job. The American Dream.

shut up go write a loving blog this isn't it, champ.

Your fault for wanting to live like a loving ANT!

Ironically my mortgage is like $600 cheaper than what rent is in my area. I have no idea how those mfers do it.

Ironically my mortgage is like $600 cheaper than what rent is in my area. I have no idea how those mfers do it.
If your mortgage is your largest expense, refinance for a 30 year if you're at 15. When you have more money put it on your house instead of spending it on a cool car. I haven't done this myself so I'm probably simplifying.

It is a 30. My mortgage isn't even that expensive comparatively. I locked in a great rate. I just don't get paid stuff. I got like no savings.

It is a 30. My mortgage isn't even that expensive comparatively. I locked in a great rate. I just don't get paid stuff. I got like no savings.
look into post office work, it pays pretty damn well for a government job. Just gotta stay sober.