Author Topic: [BRICKADIA NEWS] Port, fiance of Evar, proven to like kids  (Read 68782 times)

do you guys think badspot twists and turns in his bed at night having nightmares at the festering slime of a community he's spawned from his gnarled, calloused fingertips

He is still hosting these forums.

do you guys think badspot twists and turns in his bed at night having nightmares at the festering slime of a community he's spawned from his gnarled, calloused fingertips
Badspot be like: Everyone log off right now and kill yourself

My brother in Christ, YOU made this beast!

this brother willingly said he'd richard an 11 year old as a teenager (no non-creep uses such an esoteric jargony term for their kid-attraction loveuality btw)
nooo drama on the bcc

noooooo dog pictures on the bcc

noooooo dog pictures on the bcc
We pull in money, recruits, just to combat Evar678... Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt, all for revenge. The world calls for wetwork, and we answer. No greater good, no just cause.

the last time this was brought up i linked the time port posted loli in the hot anime girls thread but didnt archive it ... they edited the post to remove the images. i dont know port's discord so i cant check if theyre still in the brickadia server
oh, found some.
image link for if it gets edited out:

got a problem with this power couple liking 9 year olds their own age?

oh, found some.
image link for if it gets edited out:

missed a spot unova
got a problem with this power couple liking 9 year olds their own age?
Do you guys suck each other off or just give each other hand jobs?

Do you guys suck each other off or just give each other hand jobs?
i bet you wish they did and that they were all 9 years old

i bet you wish they did and that they were all 9 years old
It's weird how the creep hunters all keep making jokes about kids getting raped. Really odd you guys are making fun of such a serious topic you're apparently all so passionate about.

I feel like if anyone ever told any of you guys they were molested you would immediately shun them.

I feel like if anyone ever told any of you guys they were molested you would immediately shun them.
You feel like if someone told us they have been molested, we would immediately shun them?
What the forget does that even mean?

Here's a shot in the dark, I bet a million dollars you wouldn't keep coming back to this thread to defend the alleged child enthusiasts if none of them had anything to do with brickadia.

Can't wait to see what double post you are gonna come up with next, since you're unable to wrap your thoughts up neatly and opt to instead take jabs that don't make any sense.

You feel like if someone told us they have been molested, we would immediately shun them?
What the forget does that even mean?

Here's a shot in the dark, I bet a million dollars you wouldn't keep coming back to this thread to defend the alleged child enthusiasts if none of them had anything to do with brickadia.

Can't wait to see what double post you are gonna come up with next, since you're unable to wrap your thoughts up neatly and opt to instead take jabs that don't make any sense.

Quote from: Soukuw (but simplified for smooth brains)
It's weird how the creep hunters all keep making jokes about kids getting raped. Really odd you guys are making fun of such a serious topic you're apparently all so passionate about. I feel like if anyone ever told any of you guys they were molested you would immediately shun them.

Red text is just a personally attacking me, I don't even play brickadia and you're handicapped.