Author Topic: [BRICKADIA NEWS] Port, fiance of Evar, proven to like kids  (Read 66058 times)

Apparently in 2013 he was 15

this brother willingly said he'd richard an 11 year old as a teenager (no non-creep uses such an esoteric jargony term for their kid-attraction loveuality btw)

what if we block and ban every user who watches anime

Seems like a good idea to me.

this brother willingly said he'd richard an 11 year old as a teenager (no non-creep uses such an esoteric jargony term for their kid-attraction loveuality btw)

Apparently in 2013 he was 15, that means the images in the docs are all when he was 13-16

she was a few months from 18 in this image. additionally,

evar was a known shotacon on the forums and some damage control i read said that port simply encouraged evar without ever seeing their art. assuming that port was totally absent of the knowledge that evar was interested in drawing or drew shota research, never once encouraged evar to draw it and had never once seen this art after they drew it (they allowed other blocklanders, even ones who weren't into shota, to see it), something doesn't line up here. port is an admitted shotacon, and knew that ever was a shotacon, so why wouldn't this specific information be shared between them, especially if it was instigated by port?

this brother willingly said he'd richard an 11 year old as a teenager (no non-creep uses such an esoteric jargony term for their kid-attraction loveuality btw)
to be clear: do you think its morally wrong that teens are attracted to people about the same age as them? cause it seems that nobody has issues with teens dating teens +- 2 years. and i never used that word until someone else trying to stuff talk me/the argument used it - the first time i saw that word is probably from you using it

to be clear: do you think its morally wrong that teens are attracted to people about the same age as them? cause it seems that nobody has issues with teens dating teens +- 2 years. and i never used that word until someone else trying to stuff talk me/the argument used it - the first time i saw that word is probably from you using it
i do actually. two years in your development stages is a MASSIVE age gap. 11 and 13? 15 and 17? there are massive power dynamic and maturity changes. an 11 year old is still in elementary school.... a 15 year old can't even drive. let alone this brother saying he wants to richard 11 year olds at 15 and using a jargon term creeps use....

nobody i know personally and myself included liked cp cause they were "the same age" either.

evar was a known shotacon on the forums and some damage control i read said that port simply encouraged evar without ever seeing their art. assuming that port was totally absent of the knowledge that evar was interested in drawing or drew shota research, never once encouraged evar to draw it and had never once seen this art after they drew it (they allowed other blocklanders, even ones who weren't into shota, to see it), something doesn't line up here. port is an admitted shotacon, and knew that ever was a shotacon, so why wouldn't this specific information be shared between them, especially if it was instigated by port?
that and like 95% of marriages/relationships need similar loveual compatibility to work as long as theirs has...... and there's plenty of evidence to show they both love little boys =)

a 15 year old can't even drive.
sorry plus hold a reasonable job or a serious checking account (aka they cant make their own money the thing that literally drives nearly every relation in the world)

let alone this brother saying he wants to richard 11 year olds at 15 and using a jargon term creeps use....
i want to expand on this because i know you're going to ignore it again. never once in my life have i heard hebephile before port. no well-adjusted teenager calls themselves that.

Lol I really love how much of this is just people being into people their own relative age at the time of the proof you're posting.

Lol I really love how much of this is just people being into people their own relative age at the time of the proof you're posting.
you are handicapped

cause it seems that nobody has issues with teens dating teens +- 2 years.
dating is allowed to have ranges after you're an adult because both parties involved are unlikely to take advantage of one another. no one will be angry at a couple of 25 and 20 because of this.
humans are considered to start transitioning into adolescence at 12 or 13 years old. during this time they are extremely susceptible to influence by their peer group.
a quick google search for the definition of hebephilia gives me erotic preference for pubescent children (roughly, ages 11 or 12-14), but it has not become widely used.

so, let's make comparisons:
port as a 15 year old was either a freshman or a sophomore in high school. by being attracted to 11-14 year olds, their range of preference includes most likely prepubescent children, from 5th graders to other freshmen. this is already unacceptable, as they'd have to be going out of their way to expose themselves to children for this attraction to work - from the start of high school onwards they'd only be exposed to be in their immediate age range and above.
port as a 17 year old was either a junior or a senior in high school. at this age, they were legally allowed to open their own bank account, get a job, buy a car, own a gun in certain states, and all sorts of other things, as legal acknowledgements of their maturity and decision making skills over people younger than they. their preference at this time still seemed to be one of a shotacon/lolicon, so we'll go back to the hebephile definition they've chosen - at the age of 17, they were attracted to people 2 grades below them, 5th graders and everything in between. their peer group wouldn't include any of these things At All.

and keep in mind this is exclusively loveual attraction. people may not have issues with Romantic relations because a lot of Romantic relations form out of unusual circumstance - a relationship between a 15 year old and a 17 year old May be totally consensual and May have not risen out of any sort of abuse, however rare this may be, but a loveual relationship between those same people would definitely be abusive because the younger one in this situation is literally unable to reason motives or consequences as well as the 17 year old is because their brain is less developed.
do you not have any issue with this?

hebephiles are alright in my book as long as they make my block game

to be clear: do you think its morally wrong that teens are attracted to people about the same age as them?
to give even more explanation, arguments like these are literally why we have written law forbidding people from having people below 18 from making major life decisions, because their brain is undeveloped and anyone with more brain development than them is likely to take advantage of them - even if you Are a minor. you can't sign people under 18 into binding contracts no matter how old you are, you can't have love with under 18's outside of your Very Immediate age range even if you are a minor and even if they consented, you can't give minors anything they're not supposed to have below a statue, such as guns, various drugs, cigarettes even if you are yourself a minor.
the argument Might have been fair if you were talking about maybe people of the same age or people a year or less apart, but you're talking about someone who was in high school attracted to people in elementary.

so clone v.117 is a nonce too