Author Topic: Fragment Shader Upgrade  (Read 7875 times)

I've been working on replacing a good bit of Blockland's fragment shader, specifically the lighting and shadowing.

What I've done:
  • Replaced lighting with Blinn-Phong (more realistic)
  • Replaced shadowing with contact hardening soft shadows
  • Automatic normal maps (from height)
  • Stud variation along up/down normals




« Last Edit: July 10, 2022, 04:57:26 AM by BloxersPost »

To be honest judging by these pictures it looks like you just raised the sun a bit except for the pattern on the bricks, can you show us more comparisons with different shots?

can you show us more comparisons with different shots?

To be honest judging by these pictures it looks like you just raised the sun a bit except for the pattern on the bricks, can you show us more comparisons with different shots?

Done! More coming later, I must rest for now.

Are you gonna release this cuz those normal mapped studs look awsome

Are you gonna release this cuz those normal mapped studs look awsome

I'm not sure, it's got some artifact issues with distant shadows. I'd like to just hand it out now, but it's too warped.

you could release it and let people decide for themselves if its good enough to use rather than keep it private since it appears to work for screenshots at least