Author Topic: Plastiware was arrested for child research  (Read 69015 times)

the love offender registry says he was convicted under 18-6-403(3)(B.5), which you can read here. neither loli stuff nor nudist photos would be illegal under this law, so he is either lying about what he had, or agreed to a really stupid plea deal. personally I'm going with the first option, based on the way it was described in that news article

the love offender registry says he was convicted under 18-6-403(3)(B.5), which you can read here. neither loli stuff nor nudist photos would be illegal under this law, so he is either lying about what he had, or agreed to a really stupid plea deal. personally I'm going with the first option, based on the way it was described in that news article
he straight up said it was pictures of children, why he thinks people are naive enough that he can masquerade it as "nudists" im not sure lol

he straight up said it was pictures of children, why he thinks people are naive enough that he can masquerade it as "nudists" im not sure lol
no remorse for wanking it to kids. only downplaying and deflection. hang him from the gallows

I really don't know what the plan was here, coming back and "clarifying" what happened, when, even so you've come clean about having lolicon, you initially refused to "clarify" on the more important and actually incriminating part about the images of "nudists", as if doing so anyway was going to somehow redeem your reputation?

Even if you were just trying to clear your conscience or whatever, the way you went about it has only managed to dig yourself deeper

it wasn't the child research he had, it was simply the child research

There's simply no happy ending or comeback story for this type of crime.

Your pathetic attempt at saving face by trying to explain yourself falls flat against the tens of thousands of children that are loveually exploited every year in the USA.
The people who view and download this content are as guilty as the people who commit and produce it.

I don't think any punishment or rehabilitation produced by the courts have affected your disposition for minors and I remain unconvinced that you have changed.
There's also no such thing as a former child enthusiast and all I can feel is contempt for you and the mental illness that you have.

If you aren't here to try and convince us, what the hell other reason are you here for? "Clarification"? Nobody cares about how life is going for a convicted love offender.

You are back here on a Lego forum at your own discretion telling us how your conviction wasn't fair (of which you had your chance to defend yourself in court) and for that reason alone I believe your rehabilitation has already failed.

There's simply no happy ending or comeback story for this type of crime.

Your pathetic attempt at saving face by trying to explain yourself falls flat against the tens of thousands of children that are loveually exploited every year in the USA.
The people who view and download this content are as guilty as the people who commit and produce it.

I don't think any punishment or rehabilitation produced by the courts have affected your disposition for minors and I remain unconvinced that you have changed.
There's also no such thing as a former child enthusiast and all I can feel is contempt for you and the mental illness that you have.

If you aren't here to try and convince us, what the hell other reason are you here for? "Clarification"? Nobody cares about how life is going for a convicted love offender.

You are back here on a Lego forum at your own discretion telling us how your conviction wasn't fair (of which you had your chance to defend yourself in court) and for that reason alone I believe your rehabilitation has already failed.

I have no idea what a child nudist is. I can't even guess what you'd have to do to find one. That is 100% just public defender speak for "We got a clueless child to pose nude and let us take pictures of them"

reminder that nienhaus, another child research collector of the BLF, was "going to therapy" too and he still contacted children with the excuse that it was OK because he's "recovering"

I'm not proud of it, but children were among the images of nudists and I probably should have been more clear about that.  This is why I made it very clear that this was not an okay thing.  Still, I do not believe that my arrest, conviction, and sentence were fair given the circumstances.  Regardless, I had some unresolved issues that I'm glad have been straightended out.  Not really an apology so much as a clarification as to where I am, what I've done, and how I've paid my debt to society.
"it's not an apology just a clarification" "what I did wasn't right, but I'm not sorry." what you outta do is consider yourself lucky that you got off so easy. it's just forgetin sad dude.... you have so much talent and decided to do this kind of stupid stuff. what were you thinking plastiware? you forgeted up big this time man....

I'm not proud of it, but children were among the images of nudists and I probably should have been more clear about that.  This is why I made it very clear that this was not an okay thing.  Still, I do not believe that my arrest, conviction, and sentence were fair given the circumstances.  Regardless, I had some unresolved issues that I'm glad have been straightended out.  Not really an apology so much as a clarification as to where I am, what I've done, and how I've paid my debt to society.
Consider trying Self Delete again please

just reread this wtf XD

why the forget is a convicted child enthusiast coming back to defend himself on a lego forum