Author Topic: back for my fortnightly visit what's poppin  (Read 3545 times)

hes been quiet lately but was active as normal during the first half of this year

i auto-filter him out so i wouldn't know

ok buddy

anyways, is tony still kicking around? i swear that forgeter's shenanigans are the only thing keeping this forum afloat

I clarified the joke

bump for my semiregular visit
just saw i registered 13 years ago this month

I hope with the number of retrospective topics there are on here other people catch the addiction again. This place has a vibe that isn't anywhere else. It's the only forum left besides Something Awful and Kiwi Farms. Facepunch is gone now right? That's the only other forum I could think of with this vibe.

On a side note: Should I join SA? I never have because I figured I'd be banned right away but now that I'm older and $15 isn't actually that expensive I'm kinda considering it.
Paid for somethingawful, I think it's cozy. Really ugly but pretty damn cozy. Been having a lot of fun reading goldmine posts and kinda wish that had been here.

If anyone is on the fence about it I think it's worth it if you like lurking and looking at photoshops, they really love photoshops.

Edit: This place still is home though, nothing will beat this forum.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 10:11:25 PM by Soukuw »

i got some chicken and it is pusillanimous individual poppin' good