Author Topic: discord sux  (Read 4550 times)

dsciord sux
i think discord sucks.
discord would be a great platform if it weren't for how it was set up. the way it's currently set up heavily encourages making your own little corner with your close friends and Maybe random people who are heavily invested in your project or doings. for many communities that used to be active and thriving previously, the advent of discord has made them obsolete in a way that makes it so that information regarding them has become almost completely private, or extremely hard to find due to how intentionally stuffty discord's search is made to be. this community, the community surrounding facepunch, an untold amount of game and server related forums and how interactions online work in general were torn down completely by discord.

the other issue, due to how discord is set up, is that it's significantly harder to stay in contact with new people and also significantly harder to get away from bad people. i've an unreasonable amount of experiences with discord friend groups which were spread over multiple places, with all of them having some absolute weirdo which would try their hardest to grip onto it and spread their bullstuff everywhere they went. eventually the friend group would come under the control of people who were friends with the weirdo in question, and nothing could be done about it but continue the cycle of new servers, information loss, meeting new people and losing them just as fast. this was literally not a problem when my primary method of communication was steam. was there a Weirdo in my friend group? literally just ignore them and they can't do harm anymore. with discord, the only thing i can do is block them, which only works for minor nuisances at best as there are loads of ways to get around it or situations in which blocking them does nothing due to the effect they have.

the moderation is very, very lax. i have met multiple child predators on discord, as well as repeat groomers and multiple people who sent me unsolicited richard pics. many of these people are still active, since discord is not a forum and therefore simply being on a new account makes you fully anonymous.
let's look at the statistics:

the vast majority of reports for child research, CSAM, are not investigated and are instead probably put through a library similar to nsfwjs and automatically banned based on report context, and at the time of this audit and now there still exists an active and open child enthusiast community on discord. all it takes to find an underage dating server is a few seconds on disboard, and even one time i saw an actual child predator who served time for it and the murder of a trans prostitute and was well known among the /lgbt/ community, whom had invited a 15 year old girl to the server and was posting risque pictures of a thirteen year old girl. i reported the server immediately and checked again a few months later, not having received an email from discord. the server was still there, the evidence was still there, and the user had been banned but came back on an alt to do the exact same thing until me and my friends pressured the owner into getting rid of them.

all in all, discord is a terrible platform. it makes it even worse that the speculated profit margin for nitro doesn't nearly cover the cost of keeping up the service and paying back their investors, so it's more than likely that the CEO, who previously created 2 different platforms which collected and sold information, including OpenFeint, a social media service for games, which was sold for $104 million and was almost immediately revealed to be data collection software, and declined a $10 billion buy offer from microsoft, is selling it to his investors. that's just schizo talk though.
da alternatives
guilded is in no way serviceable. not only does it have a lot of the same issues as discord, it has really extreme feature creep, is slow and clunky, and is owned by loving roblox corporation. even if this service was popular, i would not use it.
the api and it's clients seem serviceable, but not to be considered a complete discord alternative due to some key differences in how the api works and discord features. also pretty hard to convince your friends to use it.
revolt is a pretty fair alternative powered by the fine, golden energy of FOSS rhetoric. it seeks to get rid of a lot of issues discord has, has developers that are Human, active and not driven by venture capital, seemingly active moderation, and a much better system to help it replace things like forums through it's discovery system and the fact that it's self-hostable. when your account is deleted on revolt, all of your messages are Gone, unlike discord which stores the information and simply changes your username.
it's still in early days, and i've made a server for it for the sake of seeing where it goes -

uhhhhh telegram? obviously?
to all the blockland furries out there we do in fact already have a tg group for it. you can join it. if you want

telegram is perfect if i want to talk to furries, yeah

Child predators should face the wall, and it's a massive problem on the platform that needs addressing, but otherwise I enjoy discord for the services it provides. I never join massive servers, and If I do, it's for one express purpose and I have 0 desire to interact with anyone inside of it. I have no incentive to move to another platform as discord provides everything I need with no hassle.

i also don't join massive servers unless i have to but as a developer it's become harder to avoid joining public big discord servers and being forced to interact with people. as someone with interests in art, music and other random things there aren't a whole lot of smaller servers to go to for feedback, tips and general friendship with people who share my interests unless i'm already close friends with someone who shares the interest and has already established themselves ig. as an instant messaging service it's a+ but as a social media, which is the intended use since it replaced literally everything, it fails p hard

Child predators should face the wall, and it's a massive problem on the platform that needs addressing, but otherwise I enjoy discord for the services it provides. I never join massive servers, and If I do, it's for one express purpose and I have 0 desire to interact with anyone inside of it. I have no incentive to move to another platform as discord provides everything I need with no hassle.
pretty much this. i will never forget that creep/dog loving situation. any friend request i get that is not someone i know is instantly ignored and being a part of any of the communities is just a no go for me. i will say though, the best thing i've found about discord so far is that it is a loving bomb ass file hosting tool. like if you just need to hotlink images and download links for addons or something? make your own discord server and upload them there. anyone can download straight from the links it provides and they don't need to be in your server to do it

discord sucks but your complaint is just that you arent able to approve every conversation on a message board lol, just respect and ignore them the same way you would with friends-of-friends irl

anyway I've run a community with now 60k people for several years now, and at one point we had a controversial guest and a discord staffer hopped on and delisted us permanently from the "server search" feature, so despite still having net growth somehow (the retention is exceptional) the only growth we have is from friend invites and injections from the guests we invite. the monthly new users (not net) dropped immediately from like 8k to 300. I've emailed and called discord, the other server owners have emailed them, I've used twitter and server reports and even contacted junior staff I personally know. they have us on a loving blacklist for communication about anything lol, despite only having 3 strikes in 4 years of running this. big tech is noteworthy for being lazy and cutting corners on their content, but discord is probably the most lazily run social media app in history.

150 million people use this app and they employ like 200 people, for half of them their entire job is managerial and typically encompasses putting more beanbags in the office space, or networking to get loving danny devito to do a presentation on it. there is zero incentive for absolutely any of this to change and jason citron is a cuck
« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 04:50:08 PM by Drydess »

on the other hand discord is a fantastic tool to use as a free small file hosting cloud, I've probably wasted 500gb of their data for my own personal storage. one time my harddrive got fried and all my homework was there for me to re-download, very convenient and sortable

I iwll never use discord because i do not support the loveual exploitation of children

discord sucks but your complaint is just that you arent able to approve every conversation on a message board lol, just respect and ignore them the same way you would with friends-of-friends irl
i think you misunderstand. the issue is no matter what i do i am forced to interact things that would be highly avoidable on other forms of social media that are significantly harder to avoid on discord. i could list examples, but the crux of it is that it's significantly harder to get rid of weirdos due to how discord is formatted specifically, such as but not limited to a people who asked for feet pics/diaper roleplay/various other unsavory things from literally all of my friends and got away with it by clutching their pearls and just rejoining the friend group whenever someone they had blackmail on/they were friends with would come into power and continue being weird. this has never been an issue with my irl or other friend group for obvious reasons.

pretty much this. i will never forget that creep/dog loving situation. any friend request i get that is not someone i know is instantly ignored and being a part of any of the communities is just a no go for me.
this would be awesome if i didn't have things to maintain ig.
for both of you: yeah, discord is an awesome file hosting platform. i probably use it more for file storage than i do the actual platform. if i decided to give up all of my projects that's probably all i would use it for.

pretty much this. i will never forget that creep/dog loving situation. any friend request i get that is not someone i know is instantly ignored and being a part of any of the communities is just a no go for me.
i feel like this is the case for a lot of us bl people because we've accustomed to a moderately sized community where people will most definitely run into each other more than once. very very rarely ill join a huge server that's housed around whatever interest im getting into at that moment and i'll take a look at how many people are in there and the people having conversations and it gives me no interest to join in. like if i wanted to get to know ppl more it'd be people i've already run into.

uhhhhh telegram? obviously?
to all the blockland furries out there we do in fact already have a tg group for it. you can join it. if you want
im not a furry but i want in anyways

i just use it for private group chats. if i join a big server it's usually for niche and specific communities, everything else is for friends. half the problem with public servers is that they're full of children who i don't want to farking talk to

uhhhhh telegram? obviously?
to all the blockland furries out there we do in fact already have a tg group for it. you can join it. if you want
dm me please

uhhhhh telegram? obviously?
to all the blockland furries out there we do in fact already have a tg group for it. you can join it. if you want
send me the link via steam