Author Topic: how did you find out about blockland's existence  (Read 21680 times)

ayy digital designer gang. remember going into the preview thing and then using the button that would explode the model?
Speaking of LDD's model preview, why did they have to make the desert ambience so ominous?

sampapa's things to do in blockland

Omfg those lava spikes in kitchen! Now THAT brings me back. That was the true Blockland experience.

Myself I found the game shortly after getting my first laptop for Christmas in 2005. I had Civilization already but I wanted a Lego game like Backlot or that one pizza game so I decided to google Lego Game Download or something like that and found this.

A mixture a few things, Mostly through my friends on ROBLOX at the time that briefly talked about it and these videos I believe.

There's probably a few more video I could remember but they're either slipping from me or I'm too lazy to go grab them but that's how I discovered Blockland.

  • Block Eye Entertainment's "Door of Perception" (I think that was the name, unfortunately the video is no longer available as it was copyright strike'd :( )
dude this video was so important to my childhood. Interestingly enough, not only is the original video gone, the original song "Battle of Bongo Hill" has been successfully wiped from the entire internet, I think I found it only in a different form on some weird mp3 site. Definitely a sample dispute or something. Someone has re-uploaded the video with different audio, luckily.

stumbled across this video while on a Roblox youtube binge back in 2009

dude this video was so important to my childhood. Interestingly enough, not only is the original video gone, the original song "Battle of Bongo Hill" has been successfully wiped from the entire internet, I think I found it only in a different form on some weird mp3 site. Definitely a sample dispute or something. Someone has re-uploaded the video with different audio, luckily.

Post video.

my older brother first started playing it, likely found it through one of his internet friends or G4 tv around the v0002 era, probably right before RTB came out. I started playing when I was 8 or 9 and I am soon to be 26.

I was playing powder game on Dan Ball ( and I kept seeing an ad for "Blockland". Got my parents to buy it

Randomly finding Sampapa's "Things to do in blockland" video on youtube.

saw an ad on flash game websites when i was around 8, i think. thought it looked cool, but didn't get it until after i saw my friend derek playing it at his house a couple weeks later.

I'm like 99% sure I found it through 2008-2009's youtube. Not entirely sure what video it was though.

youtube video and i played just the demo for a while

Back in December of 2013, I watched the (now gone) 'blockland zombies' series. I really liked Legos and Left 4 Dead, so I bought it.

pretty sure i first found out about blockland through a post on the brickfilms forums by masterlegodude in 2006